The executive branch rarely interferes directly in judicial matters, but at times voices its dissatisfaction with court rulings. The 2015 decree gave Customs officials the authority to operate inside free trade zones, control the flow of incoming and outgoing goods, and fine both the owners of counterfeit goods and the storage providers that facilitate distribution of counterfeits. M. Vecino 1 A labor-related requirement is that tenants of free trade zones employ at least 50 percent Uruguayan workers.Article 8 of the U.S.–Uruguay BIT bans both countries from imposing performance requirements on new investments, or tying the granting of existing or new advantages to performance requirements.Uruguay does not require foreign investors to use local content in goods or technology in order to invest.
27.08.2019 20:15. Montevideo is the headquarters of the MERCOSUR Secretariat and MERCOSUR’s parliamentary institution PARLASUR. Productivity is not included in the negotiations that take place in the Salary Councils.Labor-intensive businesses are increasingly under stress, and new business creation in Uruguay is not replacing the better-paying jobs lost from exiting private sector enterprises. M. Suárez However, Uruguay is experiencing a crisis in its public education system. 8

12 13 The law allows various kinds of contracts that enable private sector companies to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain certain infrastructures, including brownfield projects. However, there is no centralized dedicated reporting system for seizures of counterfeit goods.For additional information about national laws and points of contact at local IP offices, please see WIPO’s country profiles at For questions concerning completion of this section or anything related to IP, please contact EB/TPP/IPE Charles Randolph at Uruguay passed a capital markets law (No. Unemployment is structurally higher among the youth, especially young women.

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The two main differences between free ports and bonded warehouses are that goods can stay for an unlimited amount of time in free ports and up to one year in bonded warehouses, and that firms may not significantly modify goods in free ports.

Screening mechanisms do not apply to foreign or national investments, and investors do not need special government authorization for access to capital markets or to foreign exchange.Uruguay is a member of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), but the organization has not yet conducted an Investment Policy Review on the country.Uruguay is not a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), but even so, it has gradually endorsed several principles and joined some of its institutions. Those SMEs pointed to legacy business relationships and loyalties, along with a cultural resistance by distributors and clients to trusting new producers.