Ex : "faire référence à" (en recul, en décroissance) be on the wane v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." In the random
plus avancés ne conçoivent plus le socialisme comme le but ultime de leurs combats.the more advanced workers no longer identifying their struggles with the ultimate goal of socialism.situation which already prevails in each Member State.Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Extrait de
": be decreasing, be declining v aux + v pres p
Analysis of variance gave non-significant results for both tables, as did the {{#verifyErrors}} La phrase est offensante ou présente du contenu offensant.
Since 2003, there has been stability in the population of the herring gull and a decrease in the common murre and the Atlantic puffin.
Karl Pearson (1857-1936), one of the founders of mathematical statistics, was the first to formulate theKarl Pearson (1857-1936), l'un des fondateurs de la statistique mathématique, a, le premier, formulé les idéesfunction and by allowing the variance to depend on the mean.une fonction de liaison et en permettant à la variance de dépendre de la moyenne.in order to minimize the downtime caused by DLL (Dynamic Link Library) and other application conflicts.Le service informatique doit s'impliquer des mois durantutilisateur afin de minimiser les temps d'arrêt liés aux conflits de DLL (Dynamic Link Library) et autres conflits applicatifs. Extrait de
Extrait de A measure of non-verbal reasoning was then entered into the
Relex not only returned to its previous text on the subject, which was a clear step backward, it completely rejected our own proposal.
Le mot de l'exemple n'est pas le même que le mot recherché. Le service informatique doit s'impliquer des mois durantutilisateur afin de minimiser les temps d'arrêt liés aux conflits de DLL (Dynamic Link Library) et autres conflits applicatifs.in order to minimize the downtime caused by DLL (Dynamic Link Library) and other application conflicts.
Extrait de The one we've got is a bit past it.→ They'll probably sack me but, to be honest, I'm past caring.→ The train was three hours late, but by then she was past caring.J'ai passé la plupart de ces huit dernières années en mer.→ They criticized past governments for not spending enough on education.→ If we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it.→ There were lots of people on the stairs, but we managed to edge past them.→ The young man edged past the stewardess serving drinks→ 20,000 mourners had filed past the Queen Mother's coffin→ It was a busy road and cars flashed by every few secondsElle passa majestueusement dans sa robe de velours bleu.La voiture passa le poste de contrôle de l'entrée sans ralentir. La Relex est non seulement revenue à son texte antérieur, qui représentait que l'égalité se conquiert tous les jours et chaque pas que nous ne faisons pas en avant estEquality - as many of us here know - needs to be fought for every day and every day no progress is made is in
Extrait de