La production des D 520 a commencé fin 1939 et s'est terminée en 1940, elle a repris de manière irrégulière par la suite. The D.520 was designed in response to a 1936 requirement from the French Air Force for a fast, modern fighter with a good climbing speed and an armament centred on a 20 mm cannon. I and Messerschmitt Bf-109E?France's rapid demise was largely down to her economic situation prior to hostilities. Le Dewoitine 520 vole pour la première fois le 2 octobre 1938, le premier appareil de série ne sort des usines qu'en novembre 1939.le pourquoi d'un si petit nombre d'appareil , vous oubliez que les usines sont aux mains du parti communiste et les petits copains de la CGT, trahison-sabotage, aux ordre des soviets . N'oublions pas que jusqu'à l'invasion de l'URRSS en 1941, le Parti Communiste (donc la CGT) était ouvertement pro allemand.Vos propos n'ont aucun sens ! la France d'aujourd'hui est le même sabotage idéologique.Le D520 ne faisait pas le poids face au BF109 : il était moins bien armé et son moteur
If memory serves the D-521 was an experimental version reengineered to take the Merlin...and it was a poorer performer than the D520.I don't see either why it would be any more troublesome for the Hispano engine to see similiar development as did the Daimlers, R-Rs or Allisons... it was certainly an outstanding engine in 1940.
The Soviet Klimov M-105P series is basically a remanufactured 12Y fitted with a two speed blower. Votre adresse de messagerie est uniquement utilisée pour vous envoyer notre newsletter. JavaScript is disabled. I know the early models were very slow and had issues with the engines or cooling or something like that. Aucun element d'explication donc, qui puisse de pres ou de loin, etre rattaché au pcf ou a la cgt.
But because they had to take of and land from field haunted by Tempests and P-51s they were easy pickings.
2016 - DEWOITINE D.520 - GC III/6.
In Syria they had a difficult time against Tomahawks and Gladiators and I am not aware of any great victories in France. You can look at this webpage: Dewoitine D.520 - Wikipedia . In the Battle of France period, as given case by case in "Battle of France Then and Now" by Cornwell: This aircraft occupies an important place in the heart of every French modelers, so I had to make one. Et la production du D.520, comme celle de tous les avions français à l'époque, est anémique... avec 9 appareils sortis en décembre 1939 et un maximum de 136 en mai 1940.
Could you please tell me when these test flights took place and where?
Votre adresse de messagerie est uniquement utilisée pour vous envoyer notre newsletter. You must log in or register to reply here. The D.520 is considered by almost all aeronautical historians as the French equivalent of Supermarine Spitfire … Vous pouvez à tout moment utiliser le lien de désabonnement intégré dans la newsletter. There were considerable difference between the mid series Hispano "Y" series engines and the last of the 'Y" series (the 50-51) let alone the "Z" series engines. I and 109E.A problem with making a comparison of this type is that there were in effect several MK I Spitifires and the most up to date version was being replaced by the MK II within 3 months of France falling.
So much depends on pilot morale, skill, tactics, numbers, and the overall tactical and strategic situation. In Syria they had a difficult time against Tomahawks and Gladiators and I am not aware of any great victories in France. Its development history could easily be considered predictive for the Hispano, international rating for the first series on standard octane (low grade aviation fuel) 1100hp, first series on high octane (standard grade aviation fuel) 1260hp, second series on high octane 1300hp, 3rd series on high octane 1360hp. At the outbreak, France barely had enough D520s to equip a single squadron.Equal? The armament was to be two 7.5 mm (.295 in) machine guns and one 20 mm Hispan… The specifications called for a maximum speed of 500 km/h (310 mph) at 4,000 m (13,000 ft), the ability to climb to 8,000 m (26,000 ft) in less than fifteen minutes, with take-off and landing runs not exceeding 400 m (1,300 ft).
From what I remember the performance of the D520 in combat was below average.