Shianne has a Bachelor's Degree in Design and a background in podcasting. You need to use every tool at your disposal.As a type of content that’s known to increase audience engagement, live-streamed video can be of tremendous help for cultivating a following on any social network.The only problem is that you can’t create content for Instagram Live on a PC or Mac – you can only do it on the Instagram smartphone app.

These credentials are set in OBS Studio and streaming is started. However, if you go live on multiple channels, comments from all of those platforms will appear under the Live Chat window. As workarounds go, we’ve created a really good one.

She has spoken at Social Media Marketing World, VidCon, Podcast Movement, and many more. 3. In this example, we clicked on the Instagram icon. After you’ve added your live streaming accounts, click on “Studio” to go back to the main user interface. Oops!During your live stream, you can see who your Most Engaged viewers are on the left hand side of the Loola interface. Named as one of the Top 50 Digital Marketing Thought Leaders by University of Missouri St. Louis, her work has been recognized and awarded by Forbes, Online Marketing Media And Advertising, PR Daily, Forrester, and Gartner 1to1 Media.Stephanie is the host of Lights, Camera, Live and the co-founder of Leap Into Live Streaming Bootcamp. Keep on reading…Loola will request access to your YouTube channel before you log in to the site.
Copyright © 2020 Stephanie Liu Marketing, LLC. In the center of the screen, you’ll see a big black box with a gear icon on the bottom right-hand corner. Stephanie is the host of Lights, Camera, Live and the co-founder of Leap Into Live Streaming Bootcamp.

It only takes three simple steps to stream Instagram live from a PC or Mac with Yellow Duck: 1. You can watch Instagram Live on PC or Mac by using a Chrome extension.One extension that allows you to view Instagram Live on PC is IG Stories for Instagram is an extension that allows you to watch Instagram Live videos on a desktop computer. However, after testing out Desktop for Instagram, we don’t think it quite lives up to the hype.IG Stories for Instagram is still better suited for this purpose.No matter which app you try out, there are some simple tips for finding Instagram live streams.

To view your live stream on Instagram while using Loola, you will have to login to Instagram from a different account. Keep in mind that only you can see the photos and videos in your camera roll while you're sharing a live … Now, she works as a Senior Writer and 2D Illustrator. Instagram also works like this, but they don't give you these credentials. New signups are coming to the platform every day with the same hopes you had.

To live stream on Instagram you will need to download the latest version of Instagram.

Tell us in the comments below – and let me know if you are excited to try hosting an Instagram Live from a desktop!This site uses cookies to function and to create a better experience for you. In the center of the screen, click on the gear icon on the bottom right of the screen.

As always, use common sense when using any app.For more information on Stories and how they play into this extension, here’s If you’re not satisfied with the recommendation above, but still want to watch Instagram Live on computers or other devices, there are some other apps worth trying.With this app, you can search Instagram for recent videos and pictures. She covers creative tech, entertainment, and productivity for MakeUseOf.
However, you’ll want to use it in tandem with another app to access the full functionality of Instagram, as its focus is on live videos.We also want to issue a caveat for this extension before you try it.While checking the reviews, we noticed multiple complaints where users were prompted to download an .exe file when downloading a Live video. Stephanie Liu is the founder of Captivate on Command™ and the host of Lights, Camera, Live® where she helps brands succeed on camera. She lives in San Diego, CA. Several weeks after the feature started making its way to users on other platforms, live video is now beginning to become available to Instagram users in the universal Windows 10 PC …

If you’ve spent a lot of time on Instagram, you’ve no doubt seen Instagram Live videos. How to Watch Instagram Live with “IG Stories for Instagram” Open from Google Chrome on your PC. Click on the gear icon to connect your webcam. Stephanie is the co-author of the forthcoming book, The Ultimate Guide to Social Media, due out on bookshelves in August 2020 by Entrepreneur Press. If you have a built-in web camera on your computer you can use that or you can connect your external webcam or even a DSLR!Next, connect your microphone. Because of it, you’re forced to rob your audience of the great production value you could deliver with even the basic tools available for desktop computers.But not anymore.

As a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Trainer, and ad agency veteran, Stephanie combines her marketing experience to help individuals communicate with confidence so they can ignite their ideas and be brilliant for prospects and customers alike.