By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our French Language Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the French language. SINCE 1828. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us à plus: undefined time span. À bientôt definition, see you soon; goodbye; so long.
Learn more about Stack Overflow the company à plus tard: see you later. L'affaire fut bientôt conclue.. Bien tôt = très tôt (s'oppose à bien tard). Your are right "Au revoir" is the good way to leave somebody you will not meet again. Nowadays, in spoken French, « adieu » is almost only used for theatrical effects. SAVED WORDS dictionary thesaurus view recents.
French-English dictionary : translate French words into English with online dictionaries GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; WORD OF THE DAY; WORDS AT PLAY. Featured on Meta
Could you explain me what you mean with your last sentence, please? See more. à bientôt: other meeting greatly expected, sooner or later, kind way to say goodbye . But a lot of people say it just to say "good bye". So the implication is "until soon"Au revoir utilizes the same sense of A - and revoir is voir - "to see" and re - again, so revoir is to see again.
see you soon, see you later, laters (an informal farewell wish) You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) With the former, the lapse period is simply indefinite.It's more about how soon you expect to meet that person again, and how close you are to the person (if you're close, you'll probably meet again soon, though).Au revoir litterally means "until next time we meet".A tout de suite: see you in a bit, for example when you separate, usually under an hourà bientôt: other meeting greatly expected, sooner or later, kind way
Wouldn't "au revoir" been more relevant?
With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for bientôt and thousands of other words. Anybody can answer site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under
It hasn't at all here the standard French "last salutation" meaning. Suggest new translation/definition to say goodbye au revoir: more formal, more distant than "à bientôt"adieu: farewell, might be linked to "à dieu", meaning "at god", or
Anybody can ask a question bientôt translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'bien',binette',biens',bienfait', examples, definition, conjugation
à bientôt definition is - see you soon. Façon de parler elliptique et familière qu’on emploie en quittant une personne pour exprimer qu’on se propose ou qu’on a le désir de la revoir avant peu.. Je vous souhaite de passer une bonne journée. Chances of meeting again seem negligible unless huge (and I mean really huge) coincidences happen.
à tout à l'heure: within the day. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. Il est parti bien tôt aujourd'hui, bien plus tôt que d'habitude. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including
Login or Register. Il arrive bientôt. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top Just another way to say "good bye".Bientot means soon; A, in this case, is used in the sense of until, rather than "to" - in effect, a shortening of jusqu'a. when we'll be at god's side. You can complete the translation of bientôt given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 'bientôt' also found in translations in English-French dictionary
What is the difference between the two?
In the end while separating, she says "à bientôt". bientôt translate: soon, presently, shortly, soon. À bientôt : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. Locution interjective [modifier le wikicode]. Bientôt = sous peu, dans peu de temps ; en peu de temps. see you soon… See the full definition. It only takes a minute to sign up.So here is the context: Suppose as a tourist one is helped by someone (not a local though), talking to the locals to get the right directions for me etc.
"À bientôt" may be a habit, or a try to encourage the foreigner to come back again in France!With the latter you hope you will see the person again within a short period of time.
It means "see you soon". Hello, GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; @Drew Provence usage is special, "Adieu" is still used there, especially by elder people, as a generic greeting (Hello, Bye) from the Provencal "A Diéu Sias" (Be to God), Occitan "Adieussiatz". @Drew I wouldn't recommend using « adieu » even when you are sure you'll never meet again but stay with « au revoir » despite its inner meaning. à bientôt \a bjɛ̃.to\. French Language Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled