This includes the ability to set different user roles / user levels for specific content restriction, to require administrator approval for registrations, to restrict pages based on level, to customize notification emails and more!Need to set up a paid subscription? User shortcodes are available to display front-end user profiles or allow visitors to perform a user search. This post explains why you need to limit and manage logged in WordPress users sessions, and how you can easily do it. With the help of this plugin, you can have a private section area at your blog post allowing the people to write at there only not everywhere.All you have to do is assign a content that you want to restrict and then the users who have the permission are allowed to access the content.This User Access Manager WordPress plugin is available for free on can set separate access to readers, editors or for user groups.You can hide the elements on the navigation bar, and also hide complete post type, pages etc.If there is no access, you can redirect the users to other pages.It gives you the powerful plugin-API to use User Access Manager with other plugins.No limitations on languages, the plugin supports multi-languages.It is a free version of AAM available in WordPress repository. So, you don’t have to organize your pages and contents.Want to know more features, click the button below.The User Access Manager allows you to manage the ingress of your content. These access levels provide a user management experience that makes it easy to set up a paid membership site, monetize your content and segment your users!

With just about every release a new and different and serious bug is introduced. 1. The following people have contributed to this plugin.Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin?The module looks good, but if it does not work (in my case), support does not provide assistance and after some chat exchange starts to ignore my messages.. NeverEverything is perfect.

WP Human Resource Management is a simple but feature-filled plugin for managing employees with WordPress.
can be customized through the “Styling” area of the “Options” tab.A great place to start learning about how to translate a plugin is at the link below: For more questions and support you can post in the support forum:“Front End Users” is open source software. The plugin effortlessly manages access to posts, pages, custom posts, and taxonomies etc. WP User Manager is the most customizable profiles & community builder WordPress plugin with login, registration, and profile customization. That is why user management plugins are so popular. The included custom user role features allow you to restrict access to different portions of your site to different frontend user groups. The plugin has a modern framework and powerful engine to restrict any part of your WordPress website for users.This plugin has the most intuitive restriction engine among all the user access WordPress plugins. Unfortunately, it lacks some functionalities.So to overcome this, there are several user access manager WordPress plugins that ease up the administrator’s work by managing the user’s role, restricting the content of the blog for the specific users and so on.Advanced Access Manager is a best class premium user access manager WordPress plugin which allows you to manage user ingress, roles and visitors on your website. User level selection is also available on registration.The front end users are separate from the standard WordPress users, so they have no access to the back end of your site. More Info / Download. Sent custom email by User Meta Pro. So, here it gives you limited features which are given below at no cost.The plugin has more than 1 million downloads and 4-stars rating on Understand Your WordPress Users. No need to give access to your WordPress dashboard (unless you want to).Simply insert the user registration shortcode below on any page to create a user registration form, allowing visitors to sign up as users on the front end of your site. The developers behind this plugin have thought of everything and provided a complete set of tools. If you manage a large website with multiple authors, editors, subscribers and other types of users, then you know the importance of role and capability management plugins. As if the above-mentioned user management plugins are somehow the best and trustworthy.Take a smart step, save your time and pick the one from these which fulfills all your requirements.Moreover, If you need any information about these plugins and want to suggest something. Why Do You Need a WordPress Users Sessions Management Plugin? Any content between the opening and closing tags will only be visible to those who are logged in. It provides you the highly descriptive dashboard to view insights data and stats with pictorial representation.Buy this user access manager plugin from Codecanyon at just $18.Identify shared accounts that are accessible from multiple resources. I just cannot recommend this plugin.