Post navigation. He wakes up in bed and a voice tells him "Open your eyes. 14 December 2001; 42 songs; Follow. as images from his life flash before his eyes. Doctors find a way to surgically repair David's face despite their prior prognosis. Nach einem heftigen Streit kommt es zu einem Autounfall, bei dem Julie stirbt und Davids Gesicht aufs Grausamste entstellt wird. Eines Abends jedoch verliebt er sich in die bezaubernde Sofia. But this was a universal story that was still open-ended, that still felt like it needed another chapter to be told.The title of the film is a reference to depictions of skies in certain paintings by Despite the film's distorted aspects of reality, the style of According to Cameron Crowe's commentary, there are five different interpretations of the ending: Vanilla Sky ist ein US-amerikanisches Filmdrama von Cameron Crowe aus dem Jahr 2001. Tech support tells David that while they have fixed his lucid dream, he has a choice of either being put back into the dream, or to be woken up in reality, requiring a literal The 2015 Blu-ray release offers the option to watch the film with an alternative ending. This ending expands on the details at the end of the film.
Hoping to entice director Cameron Crowe, who previously collaborated with Cruise on Jerry Maguire, Cruise invited Crowe over to his house to view the film. David Aames, the owner of a large publishing company he inherited from his father, is in prison. David opted for Life Extension to be woken when technology could repair his face, and left the publishing company in the hands of his father's associates. At this point, David dashes out of the restroom for the elevator the way he does in the theatrical cut, but the scene in the lobby is expanded: David shoots the police officer who is firing at him and is then surrounded by a SWAT team whom McCabe tries to talk down, but the SWAT team fires at both of them. He meets McCabe in the restroom who tries to convince him that this is all a hoax and a con and that his case is going to trial. Cameron Diaz. She takes him home, and over time, helps David emotionally recover. Mit "Vanilla X" landeten die fünf Frauen und Sat.1 einen bemerkenswerten Quotenhit im Spätprogramm.
This ending expands on the details at the end of the film. Penelope Cruz. As part of the program, David had opted for a lucid dream based on the "vanilla sky" from a They emerge on the rooftop, high above the clouds. David's interaction with Sofia is extended as he tells her he loves her but "can't settle for a dream". as images from his life flash before his eyes. Once they reach the roof, McCabe re-enters again and his pleas to David not to believe Ventura become more and more desperate until he collapses onto the ground in despair. David tells him that he's only in his imagination. You're going to be fine.
Your email address will not be published. Wearing a prosthetic mask, David tells his life story to court psychologist Dr. Curtis McCabe. They black out and wake up in the emptied lobby where McCabe continues to applaud what he believes is a performance while David gets into the elevator with Ventura, who tells him what happened at the end of his real life. Es ist eine Neuverfilmung von Alejandro Amenábars Film Abre los ojos von 1997. While David's life seems perfect, he notices strange oddities, such as brief visions of his distorted face, and a man at a bar who tells David that he could control the world and everyone in it. Lesen Sie weiter.