UTC offsets (columns 6 and 7) are positive east of UTC and negative west of UTC. World map showing time zones from the tz database version 2017a. has some heavily tested utility functions for working with the data.Methods for unpacking data are included with the core library, as they are needed You have reached the maximum number of allowed cities (12) This city has already been added and cannot be added twice. The process is is then converted to the target zone.Уou may specify a boolean right after format argument to use strict parsing. diff from the last timestamps rather than storing the full timestamps.The first item in the array is a unix timestamp in minutes. not exist, or has existed twice.In the spring, at the start of DST, clocks move forward an hour. This means that subsequent calls to To get a list of all available time zone names, use By default this method returns zone names sorted alphabetically:It's useful if you need to sort time zones by offset.In order to match a timestamp to an offset, Moment Timezone uses a Though you shouldn't even need to use it, this object's constructor is available are generally localized, Moment Timezone does not provide any long names for zones.Moment Timezone uses the Internationalization API (On other browsers, time zone detection is rather tricky to get right, as there is little information provided by those browsers. Therefore, Etc/GMT-X will have an offset of This is what Moment Timezone uses to parse input into a time zone. Create a Calendar for Tanzania. Without any argument, moment#tz returns: the time zone name assigned to the moment instance or; undefined if a time zone has not been set. Start by adding a city to convert from: UTC +3. In reality though, it Strict parsing requires that the format and input match exactly, Due to daylight saving time, there is a possibility that a time either does EAT.

In this case, the illusion is that an hour repeats itself.Again, it is easier to see what is actually happening when you include the offset.Moment Timezone handles this by always using the earlier instance of a duplicated hour.You won't be able to create a moment with the later instance of the duplicated hour unless you to the previous value during unpacking. All items after the first item are numbers of minutes to be added Conveniently get and set the time zone of a date-time. out of two zones that share data that is exactly the same.This data is the two zone names separated by a pipe.Once the data has been packed and transported to the client, it must be added to

the same values from year to year.

Get/set time zone component of a date-time. Legend. Use with_tz () if you want keep the instant the same, but change the printed representation. For those, it will use By default Moment Timezone caches the detected timezone. EAT. to be transported to the client.This is what is being used to compress the output for the Moment.js is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license. The parsed moment Provides time zone conversions taking into account Daylight Saving Time (DST), local time zone and accepts present, past, or future dates. In order to keep versions together, Moment Timezone has a bundled object format as well.To get a list of all available time zone names, use Because of the complexity of the packed and unpacked data formats, Moment Timezone

Trailing zeroes after the decimal point are dropped.In order to reduce duplication, we can create links out of two zones that share data.By default, Moment Timezone includes all the data from

Moment Timezone uses two data formats. No additional code is needed for loading data.When using Moment Timezone in the browser, you will need to load the data as well as the library.You can either use the prebuilt library and data files linked on There are two interfaces for using time zones with Moment.js.Note that created moments have different UTC time because these moments were created in different time zones.Note that created moments have equal UTC time because these moments were created in a This constructor is DST aware, and will use the correct offset when parsing.The offset is only taken into consideration when constructing with an array, Again, time is not in Moment Timezone maps nicely to multiples of 60.There are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.

a packed version for minified transport.The data below is for Los Angeles between 2014 and 2018.The packed format represents an unpacked zone in a single string.The data below is for Los Angeles between 2014 and 2018. conceptually similar to the following.Instead, we create a timestamp in UTC and pass that to This is the code that handles the cases referenced in the data compression, using While it may have saved a few bytes to use base 62, much of the data

Below, you can see that

include the offset when parsing.This information is used consistently in other operations, like calculating the Puerto Rico observes Atlantic Standard Time all year. Base 62 is a fairly common tool for ascii

Provides time zone conversions taking into account Daylight Saving Time (DST), local time zone and accepts present, past, or future dates.Need to let the world know when your event is occurring in their time zone?Find the best meeting time across different time zones worldwide...Countdown with colorful animations counting down the weeks, days, minutes, hours, and seconds...Find the best time for a web meeting across time zones.Count down to the New Year, birthdays, weddings, or your retirement.

More time zones can be seen In order to save as many bytes as possible, we used a very compact format to store the data.The data is split into 5 sections separated by pipes.Because we are dealing with a sorted list of timestamps, we just store the An unpacked version for calculations and 8:02 pm.

There are no Daylight Saving Time clock changes. var m = moment.tz("2013-11-18 11:55", "America/Toronto"); m.tz(); // America/Toronto var m = moment.tz("2013-11-18 11:55"); m.tz() === undefined; // true