Pour les particuliers, la donation à IFAW donne droit à une réduction d’impôt égale à 66 % des versements effectués, dans la limite de 20 % de vos revenus imposables.Pour les entreprises, aussi, faire un don à IFAW permet une déduction d’impôt à hauteur de 60 % de ce montant. Many translated example sentences containing "s'adapter aux manières de travailler" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. L’organisme fêtera en 2019 ces 50 ans, l’occasion de vous en parler davantage. THIS POLICY APPLIES SOLELY TO INFORMATION COLLECTED BY OUR SITES.Keeping your personal information secure is also your responsibility. About IFAW | ; Contact; International Fund for Animal Welfare ifaw. Votre don aujourd'hui peut aider à bâtir un avenir meilleur pour les animaux partout dans le monde.Informations : vos dons seront affectés aux actions d’IFAW en faveur de la défense des animaux, dont des actions de sensibilisation du public et des pouvoirs publics quant à la cause de la préservation animale. This includes a firewall and 24-hour monitoring of Sites activities by our hosting service provider as well as 256-bit SSL encryption (where permitted by law) on all transaction-oriented operations between you and IFAW via our transaction service provider.While we use SSL encryption to protect personal information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user-information off-line.We make no representations about any other websites, and when you access any other website through a link on our Sites (including social media sites) you understand that it is independent from us and that we have no control over that website or the way your personal information is collected through those websites. § 6501) from children under the age of 13 and no one under the age of 13 may provide any information to or through our Sites. We (the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Inc. (“We may collect personal information (for example, your name, address, date of birth, email address or telephone number) from you when you:As part of these interactions, we may also collect additional information such as your IFAW supporter number, bank or credit card information or information about your interests.We may also collect information (such as your address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, income level, and donation amounts and histories) from the public domain, either directly or from third-parties, and from other charities and not-for-profit organizations.Except where permitted by law, we will never collect sensitive personal information about you without your consent.We will not sell, share or rent your personal information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this Policy.There are different reasons why we might need your personal information – the main ones are to process your donation, to send you information that you have requested from us, to inform us about your interests and concerns relating to IFAW’s mission, to keep records of our contact with you, and so that we can better meet your needs.We may also use your personal information for planning, analysis and other operational purposes such as understanding IFAW supporters and potential donors or to inform our legacy giving program.We may also use your personal information to get in contact with you by mail, telephone, text, or email, and to keep you up to date on the work of IFAW and the ways in which you can donate or help us in our efforts to raise vital funds. Plus de 19 000 pingouins mazoutés ont été réhabilités et relâchés en toute sécurité dans la nature. Vous pouvez cliquer dessus et suivre les instructions. ifaw collabore avec Animals Lebanon pour secourir les animaux après l’explosion à Beyrouth lire plus . This helps us to improve the way our Sites work, for example by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the Sites when they are using them. IFAW travaille dans le monde entier pour sauver et réhabiliter les animaux, mettre fin au commerce illégal d’espèces sauvages et sécuriser des habitats essentiels. Vous vous sentez concerné ?Aidez-nous à faire connaître cette espèce menacée et agissez pour les animaux en achetant une peluche.J’ai cherché longtemps un site qui pouvait défendre tous les animaux sauf les humains..Aujourd’hui le désastre s’abat sur l’humain enfin pas les 5/5 de la population qui est englué dans ce défi..Je suis simple protectrice de la nature ayant aussi fait partie des mangeurs de viande il y a quelques années aujourd’hui j’arrive à m’en passer complètement.