As Korra dejectedly noted that Toph had tossed her around like a ragdoll the entire time, the elderly woman laughed heartily at it, urging the Avatar to imagine how it would have been if she would still have been in her prime, saying she would have destroyed Korra. When asked by Korra what had happened, the matriarch explained hers and Lin's difficult childhood and the many occupations she held before settling down. Annoyed about Korra's subconscious resistance, Toph gave up and stated that Korra would have to bend the metal out herself, since she was adamant about keeping it in her body for the time being. Badgermoles were the first earthbenders and according to Toph, she felt that she and the creatures understood each other as they were both blind. Toph's father explained to Aang that as a result of Cranefish Town's expansion, there were dozens of factories besides the Earthen Fire Refinery there, as well as new challenges to deal with.

She was subsequently pulled aside by Aang, who told her he was under the impression that the only reason why she believed Satoru was due to a crush she had on him; Toph countered by rhetorically asking him whether this impressionability was similar to having a skewed perception due to a nostalgic affinity to cultural rituals.

She expressed her pride in her daughter while complementing her on being a good daughter, sister, and friend. Suyin spotted Kuvira's plane with her telescope but could not see her.

Finding Toph sulking with her head buried in her arms when this failed in turn, Sokka tried to cheer her up by offering further suggestions on how to motivate her students, but she cut him off by telling him the story of her invention of metalbending.

At Lin's suspicion, the metalbender agreed to be questioned, declaring she had nothing to hide. To compensate somewhat, she could condense the sand together to give her a better footing.
Tenzin stayed behind and told them to find both the airbenders and his family, to which Suyin assured him they would not come out without any of the captives.

She allowed Korra to embrace her, deeming that the young woman had earned that right, though only reciprocated with a mild pat on the back. After he and Opal left anyway, Toph declared to be through with fighting and refused to join Lin, Suyin, Landing in a bamboo forest, Toph was thanked by her daughters for having come to their rescue. As Malina began her speech on the Southern Reconstruction Project, Toph continued to play booth games. Lin dismissed the plan because of the risk P'Li posed, but Suyin rebuffed her, asking if she had a better plan, to which she suggested dropping the valley and catching them off-guard by climbing up the mountain. When Wei and Wing raised why the Metal Clan could not simply take down Guan's army in Gaoling, she told them that they could not be seen as aggressors, noting that the democratic movement could be thrown into turmoil should Zaofu intervene in another state's elections.

As Opal returned on Touching down at a bamboo forest, Suyin thanked Toph for coming to her rescue and was glad to see her and Lin reconcile their differences. She enjoys many hobbies as a means to express herself and is also very open with her opinion, showing personal distaste for political control being centered around royalty. After they took out a At dawn, the imprisoned Suyin, Wei, and Wing were placed on the front line of the army by Kuvira during her negotiations with Korra, Opal, and Jinora. Wu confirmed that she was for now, but hoped she would consider running for governor when Gaoling held its election. When Korra called President Moon about the situation, Toph sarcastically remarked that it sounded like Zhu Li was taking the news well when the president exclaimed in shock and surprise about the brainwashing. She was hurt when her father did not react to any of her accomplishments, concluding that talking to him had been a mistake and that she would never bother him again.
An earthbender was knocked into one of the new buildings during the fight, damaging it and forcing Toph to use her bending to keep it from collapsing. Her encounter with Toph was often brutally honest when criticizing others, especially her friends. This made Toph exceptionally angry. Knowing the scandal that would erupt from the Chief of Police having a daughter in prison, as well as wanting to protect her, Toph destroyed Suyin's police report and sent her to live with her parents. While there are many possible fathers to her daughters that Toph met over the years, nothing is for certain regarding the identity of the fathers. Earthbending is, according to Toph, about directly taking on a challenge, not trying to find a way around or over it.

Suyin Beifong is the founder and leader of Zaofu, the daughter of Toph Beifong, and the younger half-sister of Lin.

Toph came to develop her unique style by observing the movements of the also blind earthbending badgermoles that could be found in the caves around her hometown.Because sand is loose and ultimately always changing with the winds of the desert, Toph found it hard to navigate through and control. She rejected his advice to lay down and stay safe, demanding to know the situation. When Kuvira scolded her for having assumed a passive attitude when the Earth Kingdom crumbled after Hou-Ting's death, Suyin corrected her former captain of the guard by pointing out that she did not want to seize power for herself as Kuvira had done.

The matriarch continued to watch as Korra continued to catch on to metalbending, complementing her on being the first Avatar to perform it.