No veo la ora de compartir with vosotros esta historia de joya y celebración del amor. He later started taking guitar and piano classes at a local conservatory of music. There was an exit “not official” when they were paparazzati together with Taormina, in 2017. — La vida y sus increíbles vueltas. Se Tiziano Ferro lo conosciamo tutti molto bene, Victor Allen è per molti un perfetto sconosciuto. Inoltre, secondo alcune indiscrezioni, tra i piani della coppia ci sarebbe anche quello di comprare una• Ama tantissimo il sole e il mare, e attraverso il suo profilo © by Delta Pictures S.r.l. — Life and its unbelievable turns. Looking forward to share this new story of joy and celebrate love with you all my friends . (Via G. Boglietti 2, 13900 Biella - PIVA: 02154000026) Supplemento della Testata Giornalistica Delta Press, Tribunale di Biella n. 579 del 10/02/2015 #tznwedding #accettomiracoli#aceptomilagros#buonacattivasorte#buenamalasuerte#tzn2020#weddingA post shared by Tiziano Ferro (@tizianoferro) on Jul 14, 2019 at 7:25am PDTWho is Victor Allen, the american who has married Tiziano Ferro Him and Allen were married in Sabaudia at sunset in front of about forty guests, including the parents of the singer. It’s called Victor Allen is the man that Tiziano Ferro has married in an intimate ceremony in Sabaudia on the 13th of July. Graduated at the Polytechnic University of California, San Luis Obispo, he worked in a construction company and later, for almost 14 years, he has held the role of vice president of portfolio marketing at Warner Bros. and is Currently the chief operating officer of the consulting agency Levine Partners.“The life and its unpredictable and wonderful place. Victor Allen of Los Angeles, and is not a character of the show, even if he works and has worked in contact with the world of entertainment. Ferro's interest in music was born when he received a toy keyboard as a present, which was used to compose his first songs when he was seven. La cerimonia si è tenuta all’interno di una villa e il cantante ha deciso di condividere il momento con un dolcissimo scatto sul suo Per via del suo lavoro, poi, viaggia molto ed è una persona con tanti impegni e passioni… non è però noto quanto guadagni. American 54-year-old, was already become the husband of the singer thanks to the wedding held in Los Angeles on 25 June, which, however, the couple wanted to add the civil union celebrated in Italy. Victor Allen e Tiziano Ferro, noto cantante italiano, si sono sposati una prima volta a Los Angeles il 25 giugno 2019. Tiziano Ferro se casó con su novio Víctor Allen en una pequeña ceremonia en Sabaudia, Italia. I can’t wait to tell you about this latest story of joy and celebration of love”: this was the first message of Tiziano Ferro after the wedding. Victor Allen e Tiziano Ferro. Life and its unpredictable and wonderful place. Tiziano Ferro fotografato con il suo “bodyguard” dal marito Victor Allen: boom di clic su Instagram per lo scatto che ritrae il cantante e Beau, uno dei cani della coppia. I feel the need to tell the world that this person is there and that I have improved as a human being,” he told Vanity Fair in an interview on the occasion of the wedding. La coppia è convolata a nozze a Los Angeles, il 25 giugno del 2019, mentre il 13 luglio successivo si è unita a Sabaudia, con rito civile, alla presenza di 40 invitati. Now, the Iron feel the need to talk about him: “Victor became part of my family. I can’t wait to tell you about this latest story of joy and celebration of love. When he was 16 years old, he joined a gospel choir and during the same years, he started performing in piano bars and karaoke contests. Victor Allen è sposato con il celebre cantante italiano Tiziano Ferro. The couple were together romantically for three years already, but have never been shown together publicly, and the artist, the lazio has always preferred to keep the maximum discretion about their relationship.