© 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. #seashepherd #ships #navy #italy #stoppoachersM/Y Ocean Warrior with water cannon firing. So many people were there, offering so much to make a difference for a species other than our own.”This pulse-pounding moment was captured in the Australian documentary Defend, Conserve, Protect, which charts the Sea Shepherd It is a rousing film, directed by Stephen Amis and constructed using footage captured from four Sea Shepherd vessels, which were fitted with camera and GoPros. The water cannon can be used to help fend off pirates or poachers trying to attack our ships at sea.
#SeaShepherd #conservation #directaction #oceans #marinelife. For over 40 years Sea Shepherd has been defending the oceans, protecting eco-systems and marine life. Read more to learn about our direct-action campaigns. Sea Shepherd fights to defend, conserve and protect our oceans. #seashepherd #seashepherdstore #ships #oceans #conservationMY Ocean Warrior patrolling Tanzania and helping to detain illegal vessels. Sea Shepherd UK also engaging in campaigns to help defend and restore coastal and marine areas. Sea Shepherd’s conservation actions aim to safeguard the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced marine ecosystems. Watson turned to Russell Means, one of the leaders of the movement, and asked: “Why are we here, when we don’t have any chance of winning this battle?”Watson says Means’ response has stayed with him ever since.“He said we’re not here because we’re concerned about the odds against us. Our mission is to protect defenseless marine wildlife and end the destruction of habitat in the world’s oceans. Albacore 2016-2019. And we’re not here because we’re concerned about winning or losing. #seashepherd #campaign #ships #oceans #dolphinsThe MY Ocean Warrior and small boat stand by as the boarding party inspects a fishing vessel #seashepherd #campaign #ships #oceans #tanzaniaThe matter the weather our crews work hard to fight illegal fishing. #seashepherd #pirates #watercannon #protection #conservationOn patrol in Gabon crews see the extent of the destruction of our ocean as we quickly empty it of fish species. Our campaigns have defended whale »Fondée en 1977 par le capitaine Paul Watson, SEA SHEPHERD est l'ONG de défense des océans la plus combative au monde.Sea Shepherd attaque l'Etat en justice pour faire interdire l'usage des répulsifs acoustiques (pingers) destinés à chasser les dauphins de leur zone de nourrissageLa pêche est en train d'exterminer les dauphins, n'en soyez plus complicePas un jour ne passe sans que nous parviennent des signalements de dauphins mutilés sur les plages françaises.Carnage en cours aux Galapagos : Sea Shepherd alerte sur le manque de protection des requins en haute merLe 17 juillet, la BBC a signalé une concentration inhabituelle de navires de pêche battant pavillon chinois dans le Pacifique tropical oriental, une région maritime qui comprend la réserve marine des Galápagos. Sea Shepherd is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the USA (Tax ID 93-0792021), and donations are fully tax-deductible. It sounds like a cliche, but watching it I have to remind myself to keep breathing.The Bob Barker loses power. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Sea Shepherd chapters acro… We’re here because this is the right place to be, the right thing to do, and the right time to do it. Jairo Med 2017. Pas de bains de sang, mais une morte lente, douloureuse. Get Involved With Sea Shepherd by Becoming a Volunteer! Whether its Sea, Shore or Land Sea Shepherd has a place for you to Defend, Conserve, and Protect, this great planet that we all share! The Bob Barker spent 110 days chasing the Thunder. #SeaShepherd #conservation #directaction #oceans #marinelifeMY Bob Barker patrolling African waters to stop illegal poaching. Sea Shepherd UK uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities committed against marine wildlife. You do what you can in the present and that contributes to whatever the future is going to be. Combatting Illegal Fishing in Liberia, West Africa. Ce site utilise des cookies pour assurer son bon fonctionnement et ne peuvent pas être désactivés de nos systèmes.

#seashepherd #seashepherdstore #iuu #tanzania #conservationM/Y Bob Barker on campaign in Africa monitoring a seiner. Shark by-catch in these nets is extensive adding to their destruction. Operation Jodari #seashepherd #conservation #iuu #tanzaniaM/Y Sam Simon monitoring two fishing trawlers off the coast of France during Operation By-catch. For any questions, please e-mail For a look at Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's 2016 990 on file with the IRS, For a look at Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's GDPR Statement #seashepherd #campaign #ships #oceans #africaThe MV Bob Barker blocks the Nisshin Maru from refueling during our anti-whaling campaign Operation Zero Tolerance #seashepherd #campaign #ships #oceans #whales #antarcticaA small boat monitors a fishing vessel off France during Operation By-Catch. Bloody Fjords 2016/17. Sea Shepherd Global is on the front lines in Africa , working with local authorities and regional partners to combat one of the biggest threats to marine wildlife today: illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Sola Stella 2017-2019. All rights reserved.

#ships #fleet #oceans #seashepherd #sharks #tunaThe MY Bob Barker chasing a fishing vessel on patrol off west Africa. Nous ne les utilisons pas à des fins publicitaires. There were “360 of us surrounded by 3,000 federal troops”. Here we share some of the photos from our campaigns, showing conservation in action.   Established in 1977, our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. I think it is a far nobler pursuit to take a risk to protect an endangered species or an endangered habitat.”The veteran activist says one defining moment in his activism came in the 1970s, when he was a medic during the occupation of Wounded Knee by the American Indian Movement.