"A dark and brooding fantasy adventure awaits players in a vast twisted world full of fearsome beasts, devious traps and hidden secrets. So the book and spells are both belong to Quelaana. Quelana, the sole surviving witch of Izalith, once accepted a human pupil but after the pupil moved on, she never took another. These pyromancies can only be taught by a female master. These pyromancies can only be taught by a female master.

Quelana Pyromancy Tome: A pyromancy tome of Quelaana containing her unique spells. You'll be in a narrow corridor with a rat in front of you. Mistake in wiki description? In Dark Souls 3 you can find Quelana Pyromancy Tome in Smouldering Lake. However, you can get the reward even if you only kill the Bed of Chaos (the Witch of Izalith presumably), though I'm sure that she would want you kill Quelaan (https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Daughter+of+Chaos) too, as the Fair Lady is the one that's suffering the most (all blind, poisoned and deformed).

Guys, please, the Fair lady IS NOT Quelana.

Quelana… Drops. Take that pathway and take your first right and walk into the next room, there should be another 3 rats in that room. Give to a female pyromancy master to learn Quelana's pyromancies.

In this version, the corpse embracing the Fair Lady's cadaver is clearly Quelana.2. So I can imagine two different stories:1.

Dark Souls III once again gives gamers the trademark sword and sorcery combat and rewarding action RPG gameplay.

Did they at least die together?The description is a little vague, here is how I found it: When you are walking through the catacomb looking part of Smouldering Lake from the Demon Ruins bonfire, there will be a bottom floor with 2 pyro-demons hanging out and multiple pathways connected to it. The player never links the fire but another chosen undead does it in his place. This leaves only the Fair Lady, who happens to have a spider that looks very much like the one seen. Go right and there is 4 medusa *****es. These pyromancies can only be taught by a female master. Whoever made it doesn't know how to make a guide video.At some point in Dark Souls I, Quelana (https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Quelana+of+Izalith) entrusts the player to free her mother and sisters from suffering as a side quest.

Wait, Quelana was in Donkey Kong 1?? Quelana, the sole surviving witch of Izalith, once accepted a human pupil, but after the pupil moved on, she never took another. Later on, Quelana discovers Quelaan, kills her in order to free her, and dies in sadness at her side. A pyromancy tome of Quelaana containing her unique spells. Someone needs to fix the trivia...So the video isn't exactly clear where the illusory wall is.From demon ruins fire, head into the corridor and down the stairs. Quelana is the only daughter of Chaos that scaped from the Flame of Chaos without being deformed and that, later on, entrusts you to kill her mother and sisters to free them from suffering. At these 4 medusa is a stair down. Watch the caster as his mist builds poison and toxic. In this version, the corpse embracing the Fair Lady's cadaver is a parallel version of the Chosen Undead in Dark Souls I.

Which to me means that she’s still alive. This grassy room is where the video starts.

", we know it sure as hell isn't Quelaag's hair as her hair is black (and she also died long ago) and it isn't Quelana's as she wasn't deformed. In one of the corners there is a pathway with a rat hanging out in it and no stairs. Case closed, done. The worst thing is that you can find all her names and information in this precise wiki and in any other all over internet. Remettez-le à une maîtresse pyromancienne afin que cette dernière puisse vous faire bénéficier des enseignements de cet ouvrage. Possibly Kirk or the guy with the eggs on his back that is always by her side.I don't really know if that corpse embracing the spider is Quelana herself or her last and only pupil –remember all those endearing hours trying to save Quelaan... sniff :'(The fair lady will be missed. Quelana is the witch you meet in dark souls 1 near Queelag's boss fight that teaches pyromancies, she is one of the witches of izalith and is the only one who managed to escape the chaos flame unharmed. Blood, Violence, Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB

Take it and exit right and immediately turn right again. A pyromancy tome of Quelana containing her unique spells. 3: Quelana was not the only one untouched by chaos after the eruption of the chaos flame, meaning the description almost definitely means she is still alive (that, or it's a translation error). It says she "only had one pupil" which confirms that the chosen undead never actually met her, she was just a pyromancy vendor in DS.

If you don't want to search, I'll do the work for you: QUELAAG reference: https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Chaos+Witch+QuelaagQUELAAN reference: https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Daughter+of+ChaosQUELANA reference: https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Quelana+of+IzalithAlso, Quelana's quotes.

A bit confused.I feel really bad for them, they are the few characters that were completely innocent in the game, but fate (Chosen Undead) weren't so kind to them.The video that's in there doesn't deserve to be there, doesn't show how to get there, just shows the illusory wall and the tome. The player never finds Quelaan (she is hidden at the other side of an illusory wall after all) so he kills the Bed of Chaos and tells Quelana after that, continuing his own mission to link the fire (or let it fade).

Or Quelaana? 2: Quelana is Ceaseless Discharge's sister and faked her own death for unknown reasons (this is at least likely given the number of witches in DS1's opening cutscene). The fact that the White Hair Talisman is found nearby just supports this.

1,000 souls; Pyromancy: Fire Tempest (Only if you have not obtained it by fulfilling her request of defeating the Bed of Chaos) Character Info.

1: Unless the curled up corpse is Quelana, Quelana is not in the location you find the tome (the giant spider lady is the fair lady from DS1). So why we are learning "[...]Quelana's pyromancies."? The chosen undead ISN'T her pupil, she trained Salaman, it IS NOT canon that the chosen undead meets Queelana, it is just an option just like killing Gwyndolin.

Quelana, the sole surviving witch of Izalith, once accepted a human pupil, but after the pupil moved on, she never took another.