The open courtyard is surrounded by multi-storey buildings which can be used as cover, although once again only the ground floor counts towards control of the capture point, and with the large building in the northeast corner being completely excluded from the capture radius. Read Snooth user reviews of domaine de la butte wine, see user ratings, compare prices and buy domaine de la butte wine online thorugh one of the largest selections of wine merchants online Unlike in the last phase, the two objectives are very close to one another, although they are quite distinctly separated from one another by a row of buildings, a change in elevation, and high perimeter walls.

Objective A is inside one of the few intact buildings in the area - on the ground floor of a three-storey house, with its front facing onto the northernmost horizontal road. Entsprechend hoch ist die Intensität der Kämpfe. Mais notre artillerie reprend le dessus et après un bombardement des plus violents, une attaque à lieu sur notre droite à la Butte de Tahure par le 87e et le 122e, la Butte est prise par ces régiments. All flags are located in large, open areas as opposed to the narrow alleyways that comprise the majority of the map.

Prise d'armes du 22 septembre 2002. Navarin Trench is set amongst a destroyed town block on the west side of the map. Past a gate on the east side of the plaza is a square courtyard with a raised, circular park in the middle, with stairs descending around the outside. Delaunay Trench is found on the north side. The battlelines are pushed back into the confined passages of the central block, with the next set of telegraphs inside this urban labyrinth. The French may have difficulty themselves if the flag turns neutral, as they have a similarly exposed path back from their sector spawn, across the road in the alleyways to the east.
The capture zone is a lot smaller than Warehouses, and is set inside a compound that houses a lone, single-storey building and a battery of heavy howitzers. Down a flight of steps to the south of the plaza, Florian's Café is set upon raised foundations that overlooks the alleyways below - both of these areas are within the capture zone. Their attack wins them shelter from the winter, whilst the French are forced to leave, taking solace only in their inevitable return. The Germans have a single tank to assist them in this phase, which can prove vital in forcing the defenders from their entrenched positions. Around this, a trench loop has been dug, with the outside of the monument lined with sandbags and barbed wire. Laufe einfach um eine Ecke, um einem Feuergefecht zu entgehen ... oder geradewegs in ein anderes Gefecht zu stolpern. Une grand victoire pour les hommes de la 3e DI. Each team retains their tank support, with the defenders being further bolstered with two If the sector falls, the German Empire is declared the victor of the Operation.

In a furious assault, our troops took it back on october 6. Le nom du village détruit de Tahure est rattaché aujourd'hui à celui de Sommepy. Objective B is near a burning tank in the middle group of destroyed buildings.

The next set is a short distance east of Florian's Café, itself directly south of the central Tahure Plaza. A trench line cuts between these buildings and across the horizontal roads in the middle of the capture zone, which is primarily concentrated around the middle two of the four roads leading out of the German spawn, particularly where they join to the main loop.

Aufgrund der engen Straßen sollten die Fahrer aber immer auf der Hut sein, da hinter jeder Ecke ein Hinterhalt lauern könnte. Sur les flancs de la Butte de Sommepy aux pieds de l'église The area is somewhat enclosed by the neighboring line of intact buildings, which form the area into a slightly curved clearing, interspersed with half-standing walls and other assorted structural remains. Two tall and two short buildings sit at the edges of the area, facing the streets, with an additional dirt road running between them. In the middle of the plaza is an ornate monument, with a central statue column surrounded by a stepped circular base of marble walls and other sculpted decorations. Le village de Tahure et la butte, positions fortes sur le front au Nord de Perthes les Hurlus seront les objectifs de la vaste offensive menée par les 272e et 128e RI, à 5h20 l'attaque se déclanche, 9h le village est conquis.

Additional cover in the expansive capture zone is provided by a number of shell craters, howitzers, and trees - useful as the area is surrounded by shops and other buildings with upper storeys useful for elevated firing positions.

The street curves at the ends, each turning westwards and joining with the outer loop of the town's main road. To their west is a row of intact buildings, on the other side of which is the town green and the Warehouses objective.

The French telegraphs are in the Warehouse district to the east, with each one being inside a building in the two adjacent walled compounds.