Genji had tracked him before he even set foot in the castle, and revealed his presence to Hanzo. Ma Zenyatta non desistette e con il tempo divenne il suo mentore. Genji rifiutò, facendo infuriare Hanzo e generando una tensione fra i due fratelli che portò a un violento scontro, che lasciò Genji in bilico tra la vita e la morte. Genji is better suited for close quarters to make use of his mobility and spread shurikens, but can still be formidable at range. Anche se ho sacrificato il mio corpo, non sacrificherò mai il mio onore. And with that, he disappeared into the night.At Christmas, Genji was with Zenyatta. Genji flings precise and deadly Shuriken at his targets, and uses his wakizashi to deflect projectiles or delivers a Swift Strike with his technologically-advanced "dragonblade" that cuts down enemies. Vagò per molti anni prima di incontrare il monaco Omnic Zenyatta, di cui inizialmente rifiutò gli insegnamenti. He was repulsed by the mechanical parts of his body and could not come to grips with what he had become. Cyber-Agility makes Genji a difficult target and allows him to navigate the map with ease. Even he could not say where his path would ultimately lead.At some point after the recall, Genji headed to Japan to confront his brother. The global security force saw Genji as a potential asset in its ongoing operations to combat the Shimada clan. It is paired with a traditional wakizashi sheathed horizontally on his lower back.Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Eight years before the present day, Genji took part in a The team succeeded in exfiltrating the manor, but the existence of Blackwatch was revealed to the world, resulting in political and public fallout.Seven years before Overwatch's disbandment, Genji was apparently a member of Within a year after the King's Row Uprising, Blackwatch was sidelined. The damage on Swift Strike is considerable for most heroes but is insignificant to a tank. It was the opening that Doomfist needed, as he jumped up and hit Genji with his gauntlet, sending him skidding along the streets and smashing into a car. Genji venne quindi sottoposto a un lungo processo di innesti cibernetici che amplificò la sua agilità e velocità naturali, potenziando le sue già superlative abilità ninja.
Imparò ad accettare che, nonostante il suo corpo fosse quello di un cyborg, la sua anima era umana e la sua nuova forma un dono unico da preservare. Genji flings precise and deadly Shurikens at his targets and uses his technologically-advanced wakizashi to deflect projectiles or deliver a Swift Strike that cuts down enemies. Genji: That's right! Disgustato dalle parti meccaniche del suo corpo, non poteva accettare ciò che era diventato. Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Overwatch and the intervention of Dr. Angela Ziegler. Some time after Winston's recall, Genji arrived on location to Genji and Hanzo were originally envisioned as a single cyborg ninja hero named Hanzo who wielded both a bow and a sword, used parkour, and had an assassinate ability, using artwork for the Assassin class from the cancelled Genji himself was originally conceived as a slow-moving stealth assassin with an ability that allowed him to trip an enemy, stunning them, and then instantly kill them with a sword strike "finishing move" if another enemy didn't interrupt the attack, but this design was found to be unfun. He is a cyborg ninja who has freed himself from his criminal past and the war with his cybernetic body.
Sotto la guida di Zenyatta, Genji riuscì a riconciliare la sua duplice personalità di uomo e macchina. Overwatch gli offrì la salvezza e la ricostruzione del suo corpo in cambio del suo aiuto. Quando il capoclan morì, il fratello più anziano, Hanzo, pretese che Genji assumesse un ruolo più attivo nell'impero del padre. Hanzo wasn't swayed, but Genji told him that he still had hope for his brother. Genji cut contact with his old team members.Six years before the present day, under the command of Three weeks later alongside Tracer and Winston, Genji confronted Doomfist in Singapore. This organization, known as Overwatch, ended the crisis and helped maintain peace for a generation, inspiring an era of exploration, innovation, and discovery.
Dopo aver completato la sua missione, abbandonò Overwatch e iniziò a vagabondare in cerca di risposte. Hey, where did they all go?! Hanzo myślał, że zabił swojego brata, ale Genji przeżył dzięki interwencji organizacji Overwatch i dr Angeli Ziegler. He drifted for many years before crossing paths with the Now, for the first time in his life, Genji was free. He took off his mask, revealing himself as Hanzo's very much alive brother.
Così facendo, ha scoperto di possedere un grado di umanità più alto. I contenuti della comunità sono disponibili sotto la licenza Overwatch Wikia è una comunità di FANDOM a proposito di Giochi.Porta i tuoi fandom preferiti con te e non perdere mai un colpo. He wrote a letter using a quill.