I fixed it now. Pester can be used to test PowerShell module. Jakub Jareš is an IT professional with strong background in Windows desktop systems. This exception will stop the test from executing and will fail it. It essentially must pass a Test-Path call.Checks to see if a file contains the specified text.

Uses PowerShell's -le operator to compare the two values.Asserts that the actual value matches a wildcard pattern using PowerShell's -like operator. Last time we looked at the theory of assertions and what mechanisms they use to fail our tests. ⚠️ All information on this page are relevant to Pester v. 4.x. The details of how that is done will be described in one of the future articles.Further down the file you may also notice an implementation of another, but very similar, assertion named Both the assertion condition implementations are accompanied with multiple function that produce various failure messages. This post is also available in Deutsch Pester tests can be used to ensure a level of quality in PowerShell module development that would otherwise be difficult to achieve manually. VPNs can be compli...Backing up the data in Office 365 is extremely important. #Negative Assertions. This search is not case sensitive and uses regular expressions.Checks to see if a file contains the specified text. In this article you will learn about the Context keyword, how to use all the assertions available in Pester and a bit about best practices.. This blog post is part of a series of 3 posts to learn Powershell Pester. Pester + Be).At this point we know whether the assertion passed of failed, but we only have a True/False result, no exception was thrown yet. Then a Pester specific exception is thrown. But as you’ll see in a minute, because it was built in PowerShell and is open source, a savvy tester is equally able to create integration tests with this framework as well.

The difference between Should Be, Should Match, or Should Exist is only in the condition where in the “if” condition they use -eq, -match and Test-Item respectively, but the mechanism remains the same. I see something new, the favorite star is now close to the image profile.Pester is a framework for PowerShell that allows you to test your PowerShell scripts. Described the process needed to fail an unsuccessful test and compared the theory that we learned with the actual implementation.Next time we will look at the It and Describe blocks, how the tests are actually executed, and how the suite prevents failing on every failed test. This comes with a slew of breaking changes and some fancy new functionality, and some pretty solid performance improvements to boot. Takes an optional argument to indicate the expected exception message.Note: The exception message match is a substring match, so the following assertion will pass:Checks values for null or empty (strings). The object must have valid path syntax. In this article we won’t be continuing on out own framework though.

Uses PowerShell's -gt operator to compare the two values.Asserts that a number (or other comparable value) is greater than or equal to an expected value.

There is no Now that you've learned a little about Pester and how to use assertions, get to testing those scripts! "I am a value" | Should -Match "I Am" # Test will pass"I am a value" | Should -Match "I am a bad person" # Test will fail"Greg" | Should -Match ([regex]::Escape(".reg")) # Test will fail"I am a value" | Should -MatchExactly "I am" # Test will pass"I am a value" | Should -MatchExactly "I Am" # Test will fail{ throw "This is a test" } | Should -Throw "This is a test" # Test will pass{ throw "bar" } | Should -Throw "This is a test" # Test will fail{throw "foo bar baz"} | Should -Throw "bar" # Test will passGet-Process -Name "process" -ErrorAction Stop | Should -Throw # Should pass but fails the test$null | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty # Test will fail$actual | Should -Be "actual value" -Because 'Test must pass'$actual | Should -Be "not actual value" -Because 'Test must fail'# Expected strings to be the same, because Test must fail, but they were different.Get-Command "Invoke-WebRequest" | Should -HaveParameter Uri -MandatoryGet-Command f | Should -HaveParameter Value -Type StringGet-Command f | Should -HaveParameter Value -DefaultValue 8Get-Command f | Should -HaveParameter Value -Not -Mandatory Every other assertion in Pester is just a variation on the Should Be (or in our case Assert-Equal). For those of you who are not familiar with TDD, let me sum it up briefly: TDD is the opposite of the traditional approach to development.
''TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch 'I.am.a.file' # Test will pass'TestDrive:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch ([regex]::Escape('I.am.a.file')) # Test will failc:\file.txt | Should -FileContentMatch something # Will throw an error'c:\file.txt' | Should -FileContentMatch something # Will evaluate correctlySet-Content -Path TestDrive:\file.txt -Value 'I am a file. When you mock a command with Pester, the mock automatically inherits all of the parameter metadata of the original command (including things like Mandatory and ValidateNotNullOrEmpty), so you still need to make sure your calls to the mock are legal.