(AP) — A Montana smokejumper and paraglider has died of injuries suffered in a crash at a paragliding competition in Chile.Casey Bedell, owner of Black Bird Paragliding in...SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — It’s been nearly five weeks since the most potent civil unrest in Chile’s recent history broke out, bringing mass protests across the South American nation. Según informó la Universidad John Hopkins, Estados Unidos se mantiene como el país con más contagiados por el virus con 5,3 millones de cotagiados. Latin America had by Monday By Hanan Greenwood/Israel Hayom A letter up for auction in Israel shows a lighter side to world-renowned theoretical physicist Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics For Valentinna Rangel, finding safety in Chile allowed her to become on the outside what she had always felt on the inside. Chile, oficialmente República de Chile, es un país ubicado en el extremo sudoeste de América del Sur. Leading Spanish-language newspaper published in Chile. Sigue la actualidad a través del portal de noticias de CNN Chile. MEXICO CITY (AP) — Born in Chile, the feminist anthem “A Rapist in Your Path” has become an international phenomenon, with activists in countries from Latin America to the U.S. and Europe staging...MISSOULA, Mont. Recent Posts. El Heraldo Austral (Puerto Varas) El Mercurio. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A plane carrying a Chilean man accused of murdering a Japanese student in France took off from Santiago's airport Thursday bound for Paris, where he will face trial for the...SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A Chilean man accused of murdering a Japanese student in France was taken to Santiago's airport Wednesday night to be turned over to French authorities for a flight to...SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Nicolás Bergerie's family has been making coffins for four generations, with barely any alteration. The Santiago Times is an English-language newspaper published in Santiago, Chile that reports news in Chile and other parts of Latin America. Chile to tender US$360mn hospital PPP contract this month Business News Americas 22:39 14-Aug-20 Chile's Pinera touts support for middle class during coronavirus Reuters 22:35 14-Aug-20 Orange police arrest man wanted in sexual assaults of women in Santiago Creek area Orange County Register 22:08 14 … The national emergency agency said there were no...SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 6.1 earthquake has shaken southern Chile, though local disaster officials have not reported any damage or injuries.Here's your look at highlights from the weekly AP photo report, a gallery featuring a mix of front-page photography, the odd image you might have missed and lasting moments our editors think you...SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Officials in Chile say the capital city and its outskirts are suffering from the worst drought in many years.The government has declared an agricultural emergency in...SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Chile's navy on Sunday confirmed the spillage of 40,000 liters of diesel oil into the sea in a remote and pristine area of the South American country's Patagonia and said it...Connect with the definitive source for global and local newsBy MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN, EVENS SANON and FRANKLIN BRICEÑO Le siguen Brasil, la India y Rusia. Haiti is the poorest. Su capital es la ciudad de Santiago. Ecuador has a centrist government. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Nicolás Bergerie's family has been making coffins for four generations, with barely any alteration. SAO PAULO – The number of deaths from the coronavirus in Latin America has exceeded the figure for North America for the first time since the start of the pandemic.