Of course, we can use those fruitful gifts! I separate our ives into what I call “sweat of the brow” crops and “dress the Garden” crops.
Ha Satan tempts us!
Baruch B’Shem Yeshua, (The Lion of the Tribe of Yehudah, who upholds the Torah and abolished sin) NOT Gentile, Aryan jesus, who abolished the Law/Torah of YHVH and upholds sin!
Just as motivation is external and INSPIRATION is INTERNAL! Although the verb in the Hebrew is debated, references in the Talmud show that Jewish interpreters regarded Deuteronomy 9:9 as meaning Moses sat down on the mountain.
Click image to order directly from Create Space. We plant, plow and harvest certain crops, but sometimes, YHVH surprises us with, for instance, “white mulberries”, which we did NOT plant! Someone shared with us some “winter onions”, which come back by themselves, year after year, and there are crab apple trees that have grown up on the property, among other gifts. BTW, my favorite prophetess in the Tanakh is Hulda, which means “weasel”. We ALL need to think these things through, about YHVH and His Son, Messiah Yeshua…so that there isn’t a “mess” in Messianic!
At Sinai, there was NO Levitical priesthood, NO tabernacle/temple, and NO prescribed altar sacrifices for sin!
Everyone really should investigate it, as understanding this helps clear up a lot of the confusion about which “Law” was “added because of transgression”, and which covenant of Hebrews was the “old covenant”, which was “becoming old and obsolete and was passing away”.
Ahab’s judicial murder of Naboth and confiscation… He said He is not altogether like us!
Thanks a lot.Yes, It was Christ Himself as God in nature or as an angel of the Lord who gave the law to Moses.
What constitute the continuous submarine mountain chain that extends through all the world’s oceans?
See Acts 7:53, 2 Corint. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn!
Mount Sinai (Hebrew: הר סיני Har Sinai; Greek: Όρος Σινάι), traditionally known as Jabal Musa (Arabic: جَبَل مُوسَىٰ , translation: Mount Moses), is a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt that is a possible location of the biblical Mount Sinai, the place where Moses receives the Ten Commandments..
Judaism is characterized by a belief in one transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions.
Demande de Prieres.
We also planted a Saskatoon (Serviceberry) tree, which is ripening as I write this.
Sinai Frankly, that seems like a total ‘no-brainer,’ but prior to digging deeper in the Scriptures, I’m not sure I ever contemplated the answer, or more importantly,Besides having this wonderful flavor of the Divine Holy One desiring so much to be with His people and seeing that desire manifest again at the ‘Last Supper’ as He eats with His people, this is an amazing account of humans in the presence of the Living God.I think it is clear from multiple angles that Jesus/Yeshua was on Mt.
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
Much more to be said, but I don’t want to monopolize the forum.
Share!Now available. Judaism is the complex…
Well, the Torah, God’s instructions, sometimes called ‘Law,’ was given on Mt. In the Bible, Mount Sinai (Hebrew: הַר סִינַי, Har Sinai) is the mountain at which the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One who is from God; He has seen the Father.
This understanding did NOT originate with me, Check out creatorscovenant.org. He has also given us regular mulberries, and a black raspberry bramble at the back of our property.
Also, see Galatians 3:15, for further information.
Great article. Additionally, parts of the Torah were spoken from the Mountain directly to Israel.
so yeah .
We do use the “system”, now, more than we ever did, since we have gotten older. Sinai, and He is the One Moses spoke with and the elders ate with.Well, the Torah, God’s instructions, sometimes called ‘Law,’ was given on Mt.
Since, according to 1 John 3:4, “sin is transgression of the Law”, which “Law” was John talking about? Read. Mont Sinai Radio.
3:3 and Galations 3:19.
Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....
And, BTW, we are NOT being “reformed”, but TRANSFORMED! No wonder Rav Sha’ul would Good Platform to learn more of word God.I am grateful. Or, was He ‘sent’ before the covenant was made, and was HE the One who made the covenant with Israel, the Bride?Who walked through the pieces at the Abrahamic Covenant?
The one thing that has helped me to understand this, particularly about Echad vs Yachad, is the fact that I am ONE person, I am Jennifer…and YHVH knew me before I was born, so I existed before I was born as a flesh & blood person, was manifest as a human being…but I am also a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a mother. Hmmm…Are those different manifestations, or are they different roles/responsibilities. Nov 20, 2004. Does that make sense? This recalls Moses’ stance when he received God’s law on Mount Sinai.
…by undertaking a pilgrimage to Mount Horeb (Sinai), where he is at first disheartened in his struggle and then miraculously renewed. Overview of Mount Sinai, with a discussion of St. Catherine's Monastery.This article was most recently revised and updated by