Assez tôt, j'ai compris que je n'allais pas pouvoir faire grand-chose pour changer le monde.
È di scena una famiglia della più alta aristocrazia, colta nel momento del trapasso del regime, mentre già incalzano i tempi nuovi.
", Marguerite Duras.
Sicilia, all'epoca del tramonto borbonico.
A pause-resisting biography of world-changing economist John Maynard Keynes and the transformative ideas that outlived him.
The opposing forces include politicians with careers at stake, liquor companies, railroad magnates, and a lot of racists who don't want black women voting.
And then there are the "Antis" - women who oppose their own enfranchisement, fearing suffrage will bring about the moral collapse of the nation.
Keynes was not only an economist but the preeminent anti-authoritarian thinker of the 20th century, one who devoted his life to the belief that art and ideas could conquer war and deprivation.
Le livre se présente comme la longue lettre d'un empereur … Là, pendant six mois, à cinq jours de marche du premier village, perdu dans une nature démesurée, j'ai tâché d'être heureux.
Nous sommes en 1860, Garibaldi vient de débarquer à Palerme, le vent révolutionnaire du Risorgimento agite la Sicile.
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Mémoires d'Hadrien (Audio Download): Marguerite Yourcenar, Stéphane Varupenne, Gallimard: Books Performance