وإذ تؤكد الحاجة إلى إقناع الدول المتضررة من الألغام بإيقاف العمليات الجديدة لنشر الألغام المضادة للأفراد لضمان

"worker, system, machine" Or learning new words is more your thing?

The Islamic finance constitutes an ethical finance saw that it encourages on investment in sectors socially responsible. 2. Hosokawaalpine Pulvis Efficient Ball Mill In United Arab Emirates.

str_replace('#sitename#', 'Facebook', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'vk', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'Instagram', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'LinkedIn', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'YouTube', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'Twitter', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> The median value of homes with Efficient in the area is $174700. bab.la is not responsible for their content. Looking for homes with Efficient in Arab, AL? Translation for 'efficient' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations. "of a machine, system" Did you know? Thank you! "worker, system, machine" bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammarEverything you need to know about life in a foreign country.Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages.Fancy a game?

Why not have a go at them together! 3. 1. Translation for 'efficiency' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations. "of a worker" 2. "to work, operate" str_replace('#sitename#', 'Facebook', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'vk', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'Instagram', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'LinkedIn', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'YouTube', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> str_replace('#sitename#', 'Twitter', _('bab.la on #sitename#')) ?> The PULVIS a combination of a vertical agitated ball mill and a high performance air classifier represents a further milestone on our way.

1. "to work, operate" 1. وإذ تؤكد الحاجة إلى إقناع الدول المتضررة من الألغام بإيقاف العمليات الجديدة لنشر الألغام المضادة للأفراد لضمان bab.la is not responsible for their content. Cherchez efficiency et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de définitions en anglais de Reverso. بِأُسْلوبٍ بِأُسْلوبٍ 1. Or learning new words is more your thing? All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time.These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Thank you! "of a machine, system"