faisceau de His [Med.] Electrical Stimulation of the heart in the study and treatment of tachycardias.

Catheter-induced mechanical conduction block of right-sided accessory fibers with Mahaim-type preexcitation to guide radiofrequency ablation.

37. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2002;13:519-520. La tachycardie ventriculaire est rare chez le fœtus. Mahaim fibers were supposed to be accessory connections taking off from the His bundle and fascicles (FV-fasciculoventricular) to the right ventricle or from the atrioventricular node (NV-nodoventricular fibers) to the right ventricle. Circulation 1994;90:272-281. Klein LS, Hackett FK, Zipes DP, Miles WM. Nous présentons ici le cas d'un homme de 69 ans avec un cœur structurellement normale et un déplacement postérieur du faisceau de His qui a subi l'ablation de la voie lente avec succès.

Bhandari A, Morady F, Shen EN, Schwartz AB, Botvinick E, Scheinman MM. Klein's manuscript was received on August 24, 1987, and published the next year on JACC. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2000;11:922-6. Brugada J, Martinez-Sanches J, Kuzmicic B, Figueiredo MO, Matas M, Pava LF, Navarro-López F. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atriofascicular accessory pathways guided by discrete electrical potentials recorded at the tricuspid annulus.

Lev M, Gibson S, Miller RA.

Autres critères en faveur d'une tachycardie ventriculaire. Thesis. Ablation of the Mahaim pathway guided by noncontact mapping. Or Sign up/login to Reverso account Collaborative Dictionary English-French.

Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atriofascicular and nodoventricular mahaim tracts. From a single case report we were taught how simple it is to make sure that such pathways arise from the atrium.
Two months later (October 20, 1987) Circulation received a manuscript from Tchou P et al11 entitled "Atriofascicular connection or a nodoventricular fiber? A number of pharmacologic14 and histologic data5,6,15,16, electrophysiologic maneuvers and observations during radiofrequency catheter ablation like heat induced "Mahaim" automaticity19,20 are regarded as evidences of either an ectopic A-V node or remnants of the specialized A-V ring tissue.

Mahaim I. Kent's fibers and the A-V paraspecific conduction through the upper connections of the bundle of His-Tawara. Sallee III, D, Van Hare GF. 7. Anderson RH, Path MRC, Becker AE. Circulation 1981;64:176-89. PACE 1997;20:1124.

PACE 1999;22:528-530.

The last variety which is known as fasciculoventricular pathway22 seems to play no role in clinical tachycardias but as long as it is very often associated with bypass tracts they should be correctly recognized and not targeted for ablation, avoiding unnecessary damage to the A-V node-His bundle conduction system.Select the SEEK icon to attempt to find the referenced article. Poorly formated references will probably not work.1.

Cardiologia 1938;1:61-120. In his pioneering work HJJ Wellens paved the road for clinical electrophysiological investigation. L’ablation nodale AV avec une stimulation biventriculaire ou un faisceau de His ultérieure (‘ablate and pace’) doit être envisagée si le SVT ne peut pas être supprimé STCCCV 2019 8.

Catheter-induced His bundle ablation in a patient with reentrant tachycardia associated with a nodoventricular tract. Nouvelles recherches sur les connexions superiors de la branche gauche du faisceau de His-Tawara avec cloison interventriculaire. 19. 13. 16. Le choix de la prise en charge dépend de nombreux facteurs différents : âge gestationnel, mécanisme de l’arythmie, fréquence cardiaque, durée de la tachycardie, présence ou non d’insuffisance cardiaque congestive et d’anasarque. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 1999;10:36-42. Atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia is the most common form of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in adults, and slow AV nodal path… 14.

Tachycardie nodale; Rythme réciproque; Mauvaise conduction intra ventriculaire; Bloc incomplet de branche gauche du faisceau de His; Bloc incomplet de branche droite du faisceau de His; Bloc complet de branche gauche; Bloc complet de branche droit; Infarctus de la parois anterieur du myocarde. Il fait suite au nœud atrioventriculaire. Dr. Gallagher et al1 wrote 22 years ago that "the role of Mahaim fibers in the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias in man has been controversial since they were first described " in the late 30's by Dr. Ivan Mahaim2. 28. JLAR 2009 .

Rodriguez LM, Smeets JLMR, Chillou C, Metzger J, Schlapfer J, Penn O, Weid A, Wellens HJJ.

Wellens HJJ.

It’s easy and only takes a few seconds.

Gollob MB, Bharati S, Swerdlow CD: Accessory atrioventricular node with properties of a typical accessory pathway: Anatomic-electrophysiologic correlation. Treatment of "Mahaim" tachycardias by radiofrequency catheter ablation. The very early reports were strictly anatomical studies2,3,4,5,6. Davidson NC, Morton JB, Sanders P, Kalman J. 10.

30. 33. Circulation 1995;91:1077-1085.