We have the HULK!
A dark mage who sold his soul to Mephisto. He has an advanced knowledge of weaponry, electronics, and technology. The Hulk has had to defend Uatu many times from Amphibion's attempts to acquire the Ultimate Machine. Yes, he’s capable of taking down the biggest enemies but at the same time he fights with reckless abandon and can’t always summon the beast when he needs him. TMNT - Shadow Heroes Batman: Shoot'em'Up Ben10 Jetski Mario Racing Star.
He is a nihilist who is obsessed with finding different ways to extend his lifespan and isn't opposed to destroying all that which he sees as a threat to his existence. As Ravage, Crawford became one of Hulk’s arch enemies, able to match superhuman strength, durability, and intelligence. Openly gay and leader of the Alpha Squadron, he was recently promoted to the New X-Men squad before it was disbanded and is currently a member of the Young X-Men. Created by legends Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, The Leader’s first appearance was in The Leader’s greatest power and most dangerous weapon against Hulk is his mind. As a fellow scientist, Crawford took Bruce Banner under his wing and acted as his mentor. One of the Boar Brothers, a genetically altered boar created by Bruce Banner. The Rule of Three is a writing principle that states that things that come in threes are inherently better than individuals or pairs of things. He soon became a criminal and villian with his new found power often battling heroes like the HULK
This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other 1 #1 as an aggressive adversary, taking out Windigo and Abomination and destroying the S.H.I.E… Jeff Colt was a ordinary man who gained powers from coming in contact with the robotic Omegatron. He has fueded with the Hulk on many occasions. As a military head with almost unlimited power at his disposal, Ross obsesses over capturing the Hulk and even goes beyond his own values by aligning with villains like The Leader and The Abomination in order to catch him.Emil Blonksy is a character that’s well known to comic book fans. Comic Vine users. His feet are propelled by rockets allowing him to fly at superhuman speeds.
That rule must be what Sideshow Collectibles had in mind when they decided to go ahead with not one, not two, but three new Hulk Premium Format Figures in 2014! She was ordered by Captain Universe to join the Avengers. The son of an Asgardian God and a mortal mother Holku After the Absorbing Man’s … Primarily an enemy of the mighty Thor, “Crusher” Creel is empowered by the Norse god Loki with the ability to alter his body into anything he touches becoming the Absorbing Man. Emil had actually exposed himself to a greater quantity then Banner did.
The two have had many battles over the years and Juggernaut’s ability to keep fighting for prolonged periods of time -- even without food or water -- make him a worthy adversary.The Red Hulk, eventually revealed to be General “Thunderbolt” Ross, is one of the more recent foes that Hulk has had to deal with. While in close proximity, Absorbing Man was able to absorb Hulk’s strength, but lost the battle once Hulk returned to being Bruce Banner. ÅWESOMENESS!! Please try your request again later.Dommage que ce statu quo ne dure pas plus longtemps Hammer and Anvil wrap the energy synthicon around the Hulk's neck but the Hulk with his tremendous strength manages to break the synthicon in half. Halflife Enemy of the Hulk who drains life force from victims and absorbs it for himself. David Bixby
l'histoire correspond bien à la mentalité des vrais avengers, leurs choix sont plus rationnels et les ennemis plus sadiques que dans les films mcu. The reptilian mutant known as Anole was a student at the Xavier Institute. Creel would first battle the Hulk when, by chance, he clings to a space-faring vessel piloted by Bruce Banner after the villain was banished to outer space by the Norse king of the gods Odin. Bruce Banner a eu une enfance malheureuse où son père alcoolique a tué sa mère, mais l'amour de sa femme Betty fille du général Ross (son ennemi quand il est dans le rôle de Hulk) a pu rendre le calme de sorte que pour une certaine période de sa vie, il a réussi à maintenir l'apparence de l'esprit de Hulk et Bruce.
L’exil d’Hulk sur la planète sur Sakaar, s’est transformé en guerre de libération pour les opprimés. Banner Dr. Bruce, or David Banner, becomes the Incredible Hulk, a creature of limitless strength whenever the Doctor is angry or excited in some way. Hulk continued to absorb nuclear radiation and turned into The Maestro, a psychotic beast with the strength of Hulk combined with abnormal intelligence.Each member of the group has different powers, making them extra dangerous for Hulk.
Bi-Beast was created to match Hulk’s strength and size and his two heads were meant to make him more intelligent than his foe.Vali Halfling (aka Agememon) is Loki’s son, a strong character descended from frost giants and born to a mortal woman. For almost six decades, many villains have attempted to take him down to mixed results. Annihilator
Jade Giant
A government agent in charge of the Mad Squad. Haarg
Puny Banner A one-stop shop for all things video games. You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition.Something went wrong. Bruce Roberts Animus is a Level 9 demon.
Here are the ones who have stood toe-to-toe with The Hulk and proved themselves to be worthy adversaries.When a clan of bad guys destroyed the dynamos from the Con Ed nuclear power plant in New York City, an unexpected buildup of energy creates Zzzax, a creature taking a human form that’s able to absorb intelligence from any being it encounters. He’s an android that was created long ago by an avian race that was a sub-species of Inhumans. LA VRAIE FORCE DE THANOS !!! Dr. Bruce, or David Banner, becomes the Incredible Hulk, a creature of limitless strength whenever the Doctor is angry or excited in some way. He doesn’t feel any remorse towards his victims, which makes him especially dangerous to Hulk.Bi-Beast is an unusual creature with a noticeable trait: two heads, one loaded with the knowledge of warfare and the other with knowledge of culture. Buy Planète Hulk t02 (PAN.MARVEL SEL.)