Recevez gratuitement chaque matin la valeur du jour sélectionnée par Date de détachement et versement 2020 07/05 Soyez alerté le jour des détachements de dividendes sur ARCELORMITTAL : Les informations recueillies sont destinées à NextInteractive, société éditrice de BFM Bourse /, pour les finalités suivantes (i) inscription aux Newsletters, (ii) inscription aux Newsletters Partenaires le cas échéant. En savoir plus The next ArcelorMittal dividend is expected to go ex in 9 months and to be paid in 10 months. DividendMax forecasts dividends for over 1500 shares in the UK, US and Europe.Each individual company's dividend history and our forecasts are | 16 mai 2019 The company operates worldwide. Accordingly, the Board proposes an increase in the base dividend for 2019 (paid from 2018 earnings) to $0.20 per share which will be proposed to the shareholders at the AGM in May 2019 © Copyright 2006-2020 BFM Bourse Tous droits réservés. All data included in this schedule are subject to shareholder approval.The yearly gross dividend per share amounts to 0.20 USD per share will be subject to the shareholders’ approval at the Annual General Meeting of 8 May 2013. Over boekjaar 2019 wil het AEX-aandeel nu weer een hoger dividend uitkeren. The previous ArcelorMittal dividend was 20c and it went ex 1 year ago and it was paid 1 year ago. ArcelorMittal relève son dividende malgré la lourde perte accusée en 2019 | Crédits photo : Shutterstock. We continually revise our forecasts over time as new information becomes available. We have an excellent record of predicting dividends since 2011 - typically getting CAC 40

In het persbericht (in het Engels) van begin februari lezen we het volgende: "ArcelorMittal intends to progressively increase the base dividend paid to its shareholders, and, on attainment of the net debt target, return a percentage of free cash flow annually. 07/05 ArcelorMittal intends to progressively increase the base dividend paid to its shareholders, and, on attainment of the net debt target, return a percentage of free cash flow annually.

... As a result, no dividend from 2019 results will be proposed to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. Nothing shall substitute for the independent investigations and sound judgement of our users. ArcelorMittal is publicly listed on the stock exchanges of New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels, Luxembourg and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia. Un dividende final est détaché ce jour sur la valeur ArcelorMittal. Site édité par NextInteractive 30/07 Pour exercer vos droits, contactez NextInteractive à l'adresse suivante : NextInteractive - Données personnelles - 2 rue du Général Alain de Boissieu - 75015 PARIS en justifiant de votre identité.