This file is usually a hidden file so you will need to use the Ctrl+H control to view all the hidden files located in the folder. /etc/exim4/local_domain_dnsbl_whitelist¶ [exim address list] is an optional file containing a list of envelope senders whose messages are exempt from blacklisting via a domain-based DNSBL. What you need to do is type the word alias then use the name you wish to use to execute a command followed by "=" sign and quote the command you wish to alias. The ls command is probably one of the most used commands on the Linux … to search or browse the thousands of published articles available FREELY to all.If you like what you are reading, please consider buying us a coffee ( or 2 ) as a token of appreciation.Hello, this tutorial was great for me. For example, you can add them in the end of the file. Linux users often need to use one command over and over again. Creating Temporary Aliases. Open the Terminal through the Application Launcher search as follows:The Application Launcher can be accessed using the Super/Windows key.5. Move to the end of the file and paste the following line:You can also add other aliases to customize your apt-get commands by adding the following lines to this file:3. We will make use of a simple example to demonstrate this process for you. So for example, in bash, you can open Find a place in the file, where you want to keep the aliases. This is a full exim4 address list, and all available features can be used. All Rights Reserved. If you wish to save your aliases across sessions you will need a permanent alias.The syntax you should use is practically the same as creating a temporary alias. The alias will work exactly in the same way as the command it has been created against.In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and use an alias for a command in Debian. The alias will work exactly in the same way as the command it has been created against. Save the file by clicking the Save button located at the top right corner.4.
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In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and use an alias for a command in Debian. For example: 1. eth0 NIC IP 2. eth0:0 first NIC alias: To setup eth0:0 alias type the following command as the root user: # ifconfig eth0:0 up Verify alias is up and running using following command: # ifconfig -a # ping However, if you reboot the system you will lost all your alias. Have a question or suggestion? Through the file manager, open the .bashrc file located in your home folder. Easily manage your iptables information. Edit ~/.bash_aliases or ~/.bashrc file using: vi ~/.bash_aliases Append your bash alias; For example append: alias update='sudo yum update' Save and close the file. Steps to create a permanent Bash alias: Open the Terminal app. Run the following command in order to start using the new bashrc file.The new bashrc file is installed every time you log out and then log in. You can use your favorite text editor through the command line or UI to edit this file. Each alias needs to be declared on a new line. We will make use of a simple example to demonstrate this process for you. Thank you for your help.Awesome, very nice tutorial on how to use alias in the For organizations purposes you can leave a comment before your aliases something like this:Save the file. The only difference comes from the fact that you will be saving it in a file this time.
8 thoughts on “ Howto Create your own aliases in Debian ” Gordon on January 5, 2009 at 10:34 pm said: Why bother with the extra file, just put the aliases directly in the ~/.bashrc file. Creating aliases is relatively easy and quick process. The above command enables you to use the changes without restarting your system.6. Typing or copying the same command again and again reduces your productivity and distracts you from what you are actually doing.You can see a list of defined aliases on your profile by simply executing Here you can see the default aliases defined for your user in You can create an alias with a single character that will be equivalent to a command of your choice.If you open new terminal session, the alias will no longer be available. debian,linux,debian-facile,debianfacile. We are running the steps and commands described in this article on a Debian 10 Buster system. Please leave a comment to start the discussion. If you want to use the newly defined alias in the current session, issue the following command:To remove an alias added via the command line can be unaliased using unalias command.This was a short example on how to create your own alias and execute frequently used commands without having to type each command again and again. To make it permanent you need to add it network configuration file. Now you can think about the commands you use the most and create shortcuts for them in your shell.TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any kind of Linux Articles, Guides and Books on the web. Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides © 2020.
The command needs to be enclosed in quotes and with no spacing around the equal sign. The alias has been set-up; you can now run the following command in order to install a new package to your system:You can see how in the above image I was able to install Nautilus by using the new command alias that I set up in this example.While creating an alias please note the following points:Now you can get rid of the dry and rugged bash commands and use your own customized aliases to run the frequently used operations.About the Author: Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications.