This is fun, imaginative and utterly wonderful.The female-led Uncharted that you absolutely have to playWhile Nathan Drake has been the face of the Uncharted series since it debuted in 2007 on the PS3, Get the best gaming deals, reviews, product advice, competitions, unmissable gaming news and more!Thank you for signing up to GamesRadar+. Even when you win a battle, you’re always scared of what’s around the next corner.
While some were disappointed with its linearity, others really enjoyed it, as it makes it easier to focus on the heart of the game’s story and wonderful characters. All rights reserved.Digital Trends may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site.lets you try out Bruce Wayne’s arsenal of high-tech gadgets, solve puzzles, fight off baddies, and, naturally, solve crime in the way only the world’s greatest detective can.From a first-person perspective, you get to experience a slice of Batman’s life in a way the other Arkham games could not, and Gotham City has never felt more real – and it’s an experience that’s exclusive to PS4. This is absolutely the magic of the original brought onto the PS4 in a beautiful remaster that proves that games don't need to be totally overhauled to be brought onto current gen consoles. If you're looking for something brand new, which will wow your friends and keep you playing for weeks and weeks... this is the one for you.We've seen far too many desolate, lifeless, post-apocalyptic wastelands in games, to the point where they've become as dreary as the crumbling world they portray. Its London studio was tasked with expanding on the ideas in its “London Heist” segment from Virtual reality lends itself best to first-person games, but that doesn’t mean a third-person perspective can’t be done well. Once you invest in the various characters, and their struggles, you'll be hooked... and you'll genuinely fret over some of the game's tougher moral choices.Fumito Ueda's games are renowned for the way they stir the player's emotions and sense of wonderment, and after years of waiting and wondering if it would ever see the light of day, The night is dark and full of terrors, the majority of which will mercilessly kill you in seconds if you're not careful. The latest chapter, Not happy with the character you chose in a match? Combine that with exceptional stealth/action gameplay and some of the (if not the) best performances from its cast and you get an absolute master class of a game, even if it doesn’t quite live up to the high expectations set by the original.The PS4’s last major exclusive before the next generation isFew games in history have received the kind of universal acclaim Combining traditional third-person shooting with stealth and crafting mechanics, If you didn’t own a PlayStation 3 or – for some crazy reason – never played the original three Uncharted games, Nathan Drake is the face of Uncharted, but that doesn’t mean he’s the only character worthy of their own game! Nintendo has been on their own time for quite a while now. While it sounds like a bit of an unconventional way to compose art, it actually works really well. No, really, the sixth core outing for the series is actually one of the best places to start as it does a great job of telling the story so far, while offering the best action and elements from previous games in one, meaty adventure. It’s the runaway leader in sales this generation, effortlessly surpassing its A divisive but rewarding game for those willing to put in the time, Hideo Kojima’s Told through Kojima’s signature lengthy cutscenes as well as the dialogue during gameplay, the bizarre story involves another dimension, babies capable of detecting dark creatures, and a bunch of other stuff we don’t pretend to understand. There’s no doubt that the PS4 is an awesome console (our PS4 review) with some amazing games to play on it.