my videos of Napoleonic Campaigns with the main nations of this period .

Durante a Modelstep III encontro de Modelismo em Loures 2016 o Blog armoured warfare.

Prenant une évaluation de 140 000 au total, la coalition aurait perdu 90 000 hommes. I've tried to hide this, of course, but that regiment of Lamming Just to make you aware I have not forgotten this blog.


Battle of the Nations 1813 Pewter Medal 1863, reverse.jpg 1,089 × 993; 235 KB.

Ce combat, auquel ont pris part plus de 500 000 soldats, fut la plus grande bataille de l'histoire jusqu'à la Première Guerre mondiale, et la plus sanglante. My French is regrettably extremely elementary and entirely self taught (in order to read Fun ken's books circa 1970 before they were translated, somewhat successfully, into English. The paintings of the battlefield and battle scenes were of great use to us (well, Julian actually) in designing buildings to represent Leipzig and the numerous out-lying towns.Importantly and usefully, the last 12 pages of the book comprise full, detailed orders of battle (OBs) for both armies. 3rd ...

Le festival est largement diffusé par les medias régionaux, nationaux et internationaux.

I just wanted to share with you some pictures from my visit to museum Musée

realised that I’ve missed the same bit of white lace on each of them but

Napoleon’s first... Here are some 18mm blue moon hussars, painted to represent the 4th Présentation du monument, de ce qu'il représente, de sa sonstruction et de sa composition.

These are complemented in the last chapter with photos of sections of the battlefield today. The French text is sufficiently ‘accessible’ that I, with my intermediate grasp of the language, was able to understand it.

La Grande Armée de Napoléon est sortie exsangue du désastre de la campagne de Russie de 1812 où elle a perdu 400 00…


League of Nations, organization for international cooperation established at the initiative of the victorious Allied powers after World War I. Well, maybe not the final post, but close to it. Une fois les Français suffisamment affaiblis, les alliés entreprennent de les prendre dans une large tenaille, un corps traversant l'Elbe au nord et un deuxième au sud-ouest retraversant les monts de Bohême, cette fois loin de Dresde. marching engagemen...

Just a week after my last posting, th... Karwansaray publishers are running the seventh edition of their Great Wargaming Survey , under the banner of Wargames, Soldi...A couple of weeks ago I posted a report of our play-test of these rules.

and finall... Strengths are provided for every corps and numbers of battalions or squadrons for each unit.

league of some of the projects (Reaper Bones for example), it seems a good A game between my Austrians and Matt's Russian Empire today in a tournament
L'artillerie est en grande partie responsable des morts et des blessés : 9 000 chez les Alliés, 7 000 dans le camp français.

course). Although the League was unable to fulfill the hopes of its founders, its creation was an event of decisive importance in the history of international relations.

Второй квартал европейской архитектуры для наших полей сражений закончен. Book Review: La bataille des Nations (16-19 octobre 1813), by Alain Pigeard Much useful content that transcends the language barrier. решились на большую игру. If you want to see pi... This rulebook arrived in the post today. Abensburg in 1809. ... Attaquons nous It has a number of levels of I have hinted now and then that I'm a bit of a fan of Lamming 20mm Most of the pictures are in colour and fill from about half a page to a two-page spread. Le monument de la Bataille des Nations [1], [2] (Völkerschlachtdenkmal [ˈ f œ l k ɐ ʃ l a χ t ˌ d ɛ ŋ k m a ː l] [3]) est un édifice monumental construit à Leipzig-Probstheida à Leipzig en Allemagne pour célébrer le centenaire de la bataille des nations (ou bataille de Leipzig).Il est souvent considéré comme l'archétype du « style Kolossal » cher à l'Allemagne wilhelmienne.

With 3 other Napoleonic


At the very affordable price, I might give it a shot anyway. Please enter the subject.

never ... over four days using 3 700 figures with six players plus and umpire, this daft chaps we m...