Wormwood is even mentioned seven times in the Jewish Bible, always with the implication of bitterness! Artemisia abrotanum (Plante Cola) Les feuilles ont l'arôme et le goût du Cola. Aurone Artemisia abrotanum. All Rights Reserved. To prevent from spreading and becoming invasive it should be grown in a sunken container, with adequate drainage holes. První co ucítíte, když jej chytnete do ruky je fantastická vůně Coly. Botanical name: Artemisia abrotanum var. Any quibbles, let us know, and we'll refund you in full. Although once planted as both a culinary herb and a medicinal herb, it is primarily grown in gardens today for its attractive ornamental foliage augmented by its pleasant citrus to camphor-like foliage fragrance. {"#m-bought-together":{"prices":{"3048":5.99,"321":"0.4000"},"pricelabels":["Prix pour tous","Prix","Prix pour 2","Prix pour 3","Prix pour 4","Prix pour 5","Prix pour 6","Prix pour 7","Prix pour 8","Prix pour 9","Prix pour 10"],"addToCartLabels":["Tous ajouter au panier","Ajouter au panier","Ajouter les 2 au panier","Ajouter les 3 au panier","Ajouter les 4 au panier","Ajouter les 5 au panier","Ajouter les 6 au panier","Ajouter les 7 au panier","Ajouter les 8 au panier","Ajouter les 9 au panier","Ajouter les 10 au panier"],"addToWishlistLabels":["Add all to Wishlist","Ajouter \u00e0 la liste d'envies","Add both to Wishlist","Add all three to Wishlist","Add all four to Wishlist","Add all five to Wishlist","Add all six to Wishlist","Add all seven to Wishlist","Add all eight to Wishlist","Add all nine to Wishlist","Add all ten to Wishlist"],"addToCompareLabels":["Ajouter tous au comparateur","Ajouter au comparateur","Ajouter les 2 au comparateur","Ajouter les 3 au comparateur","Ajouter les 4 au comparateur","Ajouter les 5 au comparateur","Ajouter les 6 au comparateur","Ajouter les 7 au comparateur","Ajouter les 8 au comparateur","Ajouter les 9 au comparateur","Ajouter les 10 au comparateur"],"numberFormat":"0\u00a0\u20ac","productId":"3048"}} Ces plants ou produits sont susceptibles de vous intéresserdu lundi au vendredi de 9 h à 12 h et de 14 h à 18 hDescription : Artemisia abrotanum 'Maritima' - Plante Cola Caractéristiques : Artemisia abrotanum 'Maritima' - Plante Cola Idées & Conseils : Artemisia abrotanum 'Maritima' - Plante Cola

Tato vlastnost je v rostlinné říši mimořádná.

The French name for this plant is garderobe meaning ‘guard the wardrobe’ in recognition of the practice of placing plant sprigs in closets or clothing drawers to deter moths!Artemisia is a large, diverse genus of plants with between 200 and 400 species belonging to the daisy family (Asteraceae). Cette plante herbacée de la famille des Astéracées est… Children under 12 should avoid internal consumption of the plant.In some instances, plants belonging to the genus Artemisia are known to cause both skin rashes and allergic reactions so caution is advised when handling southernwood. The traditional type vaguely reminds of lemon, and the more recently bred type (When used in a potpourri or sachet, ancient cultural myth implies that southernwood’s aroma will summon one’s beloved.The leaves can be eaten in salads and as an aromatic plant.

Specific epithet from Greek means wormwood or southernwood.This plant has acquired a large number of additional common names over time including lad’s love, maid’s love or old man. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, the titular character says "Wormwood, wormwood" to comment on the bitter implications of what the Player Queen has just said. The species was introduced to North America …

The genus of Artemisia contains about 300 species of plants. Abrotanum mas angustifolium maximum.

It is important just to use the young shoots as the older leaves are quite bitter. Artemisia Abrotanum ‘Cola’ – Cola Herb – Southernwood To prevent from spreading and becoming invasive it should be grown in a sunken container, with adequate drainage holes. Artemisia abrotanum is native to southern Europe, most likely in countries along the Mediterranean from Spain to Italy. This plant flowers infrequently the flowers are not particularly showy. Ses feuilles …

Aurone Artemisia abrotanum.

Už z väčšej diaľky zaujme najmä arómou, ktorá je takmer identická s obľúbeným kolovým nápojom. Peut importe son appellation, c'est bien son Si l'extrémité de ses nouvelles tiges sont rechechées pour la saveur du 'Coca-Cola' qu"elle libère, sa floraison jaune pale qui s'épanouie du mois de juillet au mois d'octobre en fait une excellent plante ornementale dans les massifs de vivaces et dans les jardins océaniques.Les végétaux ont souvent besoin de soins et d'attention pour pousser correctement. Une plante vivace robuste au parfum très original ! Common names for various species in the genus include mugwort, wormwood, and sagebrush.Artemisia comprises hardy herbaceous plants and shrubs that grow in temperate climates of both hemispheres, usually in dry or semiarid habitats.

utilisées pour assaisonner les viandes et les. Habitat: Southernwood is thought to be native to southern Europe and Asia (Turkey, Middle East, and Iran). L'arbuste cola appelé aussi aurone, armoise cola ou Artemisia abrotanum procera en latin est un végétal vivace et très rustique de la famille des Astéracées. If you use more than the tips it becomes quite bitter.This plant is also suggested to aid digestion, particularly after a heavy meal.Copyright © 2012-17 Haar's Nursery. Les jeunes tiges, fraîches ou séchées, sont.

Bauh., T. — Abrotanum vulgare. Botanical Name: Artemisia abrotanum. This gray-green foliage is slightly haired, growing less so as the season progresses. Lift and divide each year in spring, replanting the younger, vigorous sections of the plant in fresh compost.There are two main cultivated strains of southernwood, both of which have a strong fragrance, which many people find disagreeable even in mediocre amounts. Elle porte le nom de Plante Cola, d'Armoise Cola ou de Cola végétal. The leaves of many species are covered with white hairs.It has been mentioned in popular culture for centuries.

Il à la particularité d'avoir une odeur forte et très agréable de Cola (comme la boisson "Coca-cola"). Avis Client : Artemisia abrotanum 'Maritima' - Plante Cola Livraison rapide de 5 à 10 jours ouvrés* sur la France(1) Contenant et hauteur des jeunes plants sont mentionnés à titre indicatif.