In 1987, wealthy New York investment banker Patrick Bateman's life revolves around dining at trendy restaurants while keeping up appearances for his fiancée Evelyn and his circle of wealthy and shallow associates, most of whom he dislikes. He works by day on Wall Street, earning a fortune to complement the one he was born with. Patrick Bateman is the titular villainous protagonist of Bret Easton Ellis' 1991 controversial novel American Psycho, and its film and stage adaptations. He disposes of Allen's body, and then goes to his apartment to stage the situation so that others believe Allen has run off to London. The film also features William Shatner as her professor.

The album's release was preceded by the 4× … During the night, Bateman takes two prostitutes, whom he names Christie and Sabrina, to his apartment and explains to them the improvement he saw in the band Genesis after they moved away from progressive rock toward a more pop rock sound beginning with the album The next day, Bateman's colleague Luis Carruthers reveals his new business card. As he prepares to shoot the cat, a woman sees and tries to stop him. While playing "Hip to Be Square" on the stereo, Bateman delivers a monologue to Allen about the artistic merits of the song and of Huey Lewis and the News, then murders him with a chrome axe. Summary Edit. Rachael blows him a kiss, and he falls out the window to his death. Bale spent several months working out by himself, and then three hours a day with a trainer during pre-production, to achieve the proper physique for the narcissistic Bateman. American Psycho is a 2000 American film directed by Mary Harron and starring Christian Bale. As he prepares to shoot the cat, a woman sees and tries to stop him; he shoots her and lets the cat go free. He works by day on Wall Street, earning a fortune to complement the one he was born with. Harron cast Christian Bale in a deal on good faith, and attached Willem Dafoe and Jared Leto in supporting roles. That night, as he uses an ATM, he finds a stray kitten. Bateman is later interviewed about Allen's disappearance in his office by private detective Donald Kimball.

Kimball meets Bateman for lunch and tells him he is not under suspicion. An film adaptation starring Christian Bale was released in 2000 to positive reviews. It was revealed by another student that she is the youngest agent to be drafted to the Bureau in her sophomore year. He also discusses his music collection, which includes Huey Lewis and the News, Phil Collins and Whitney Houston. Enraged by the superiority of co-worker Paul Allen's card, Bateman murders a homeless man and kills the man's dog. DiCaprio drafted a shortlist of replacement directors, including Oliver Stone, Danny Boyle, and Martin Scorsese. At a Christmas party, Bateman makes plans to have dinner with Allen, who mistakes Bateman for another coworker, Marcus Halberstram. At night he descends into madness, as he experiments with fear and violence.

Bateman later invites Christie and his acquaintance Elizabeth to Allen's apartment for sex and kills Elizabeth during the act. Patrick Bateman is a fictional character, the antihero and narrator of the novel American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, and its film adaptation. He disposes of Paul's body then goes to his apartment to stage the situation so that others believe Paul has run off to London. Bateman and his associates flaunt their business cards in a display of vanity. Harold mistakes Bateman for another colleague and laughs off the phone message confession as a joke, saying he had dinner with Allen in London days earlier. The real estate broker tells him to leave. The director wanted to eliminate the satire from Harron's script, emphasizing the psychological character traits of Patrick Bateman. Fleeing to his office, Bateman enters the wrong office building, where he murders a security guard and a janitor. That night, as he uses an ATM, he finds a stray kitten. The film was adapted from a script titled The Girl Who Wouldn't Die, and was originally conceived as a thriller with no association with American Psycho. At this point, she is presumed to be dead by the cops who witnessed the event and the media. Bateman sees Harold at a restaurant and mentions the phone message he left the other night.

American Psycho is a 2000 American dark comedy horror film.. Synopsis Edit. American Beauty/American Psycho (sometimes abbreviated as AB/AP) is the sixth studio album by American rock band Fall Out Boy, released on January 16, 2015 through Island Records as the follow-up to the band's comeback album Save Rock and Roll (2013). When Jean arrives, Bateman, unbeknownst to her, holds a nailgun to the back of her head while the two converse. Bateman is later interviewed about Paul's disappearance in his office by private detective Donald Kimball. As she leaves, Rachael realizes a janitor has witnessed Starkman's death, and she murders the janitor, too. The following morning, Bateman visits Paul's apartment, expecting it to be full of decomposing bodies and in the middle of a police investigation but it's vacant and for sale. Development was looking to move forward following six years of rejection by Hollywood studios when independent Canadian distributor Lionsgate Films acquired worldwide distribution in April 1997.