By using our website, you agree to our The marks available for each element depend on the amount of information expected.The CII recommends that candidates should have passed at least three of the above papers before sitting the AF5 exam.

This video is unavailable. “I just passed AF5 to attain chartered status, the expected solution package was a huge help. That way you will be super-prepared in the event that the CII throw in an unexpected curve ball!To achieve success in your AF5 exam, you need to understand We can’t guarantee success – that is up to you – but

Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue. Because while we expect most AF5 candidates to have some degree of experience in an adviser role, that may not be the case for everyone. We use cookies to improve your experience and our services. This was all down to your AF5 Expected Solution Package material as that is all I revised. This covers the contents and requirements of the AF5 exam, and how the Wizard Learning AF5 Expected Solution Package will help you pass The exam is three hours long, with 160 marks available spread over approximately eight questions and some associated sub questions. Wizard Learning has been the biggest reason I have managed to get this far and I would recommend you to anyone.” David Morrans - Honour Financial Planning Ltd “Just to let you know I passed my AF5. Not only do we help you brush up on your knowledge, understand the exam techniques necessary to achieve success, and identify the questions you are likely to be asked, The Wizard Learning AF5 Expected Solution helps you to familiarise yourself with the expectations of the CII in terms of style and format. We want our AF5 Expected Solution Package to benefit This enables our panel of experts, all of whom are qualified to at least Chartered status and with considerable experience of preparing candidates for the AF5 exam, to take the fact find apart and, based on the information given, predict the nature of the questions that will appear in the exam.But we don’t stop there…. The need for knowledge in relation to business financial planning will depend on the client scenario contained in the fact find, so this must also be considered.While it is important to demonstrate understanding of the knowledge and concepts learned from the AF1 to AF4 syllabuses, the key to passing AF5 is for candidates to ‘demonstrate their expertise in the To help you pass your AF5 exam first time, Wizard Learning not only offer a detailed AF5 Expected Solution compiled by subject experts, but we are the only training provider to offer this as part of a COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE that gives you:Why?