These were the chances for the community to celebrate its unity and, by celebrating it, to strengthen it.Festivals were held about once a month—whenever the Companions could find a reasonable excuse for one—so the Companions were usually preparing for one festival or another. There was no economic privilege at the Ark to place one person above another.Second in importance only to work was the spiritual life of the community. Contatti. Abbiamo come obiettivo lo sviluppo integrale della persona e l'interesse May be freely copied and shared for any noncommercial purpose as long as no text is altered or omitted.Tucked away in the windswept mountains of Languedoc in southern France is a small island of peace known as the Community of the Ark.

Già pubblicato sul sito di Arianna Editrice in data 14/04/2008 Del 06 Febbraio 2018 Each festival was different, but there was always feasting, dancing, and singing.The singing of the Ark ran through all the days and seasons like a golden thread. Lanza del Vasto (born Giuseppe Giovanni Luigi Maria Enrico Lanza di Trabia-Branciforte; 29 September 1901 – 6 January 1981) was an Italian philosopher, poet, artist, Catholic and nonviolent activist. Connu comme apôtre de la non-violence en Occident, il fut aussi poète et esthète, philosophe et écrivain, croyant respectueux des autres religions, fondateur de communautés, précurseur des … Text copyright © 1990 Mark Shepard. In 1976, he participated in the demonstrations against the building of the In January 1981, del Vasto was working to found a new community in Giuseppe Giovanni Luigi Enrico Lanza di Trabia-Branciforte In 1976, he participated in the demonstrations against the building of the In January 1981, del Vasto was working to found a new community in Giuseppe Giovanni Luigi Enrico Lanza di Trabia-Branciforte The Companions recited prayers that came from the Christian tradition but that would be acceptable to adherents of any faith. This campaign had helped provide a model for later European mass actions that in turn inspired the launching of the American anti‑nuclear movement at Seabrook, New Hampshire.Though the people of the Ark were trying to affect the larger society, they did not expect to bring about widespread change. One of the women led the singing of the Ark’s grace.And hunger and thirst for righteousness to those who have more than enough.People got up to fill their bowls at the center table. The food was cooked simply, without spices, but had a rich flavor of its own. L’Area Migranti di Lanza del Vasto opera in Regione Liguria dal 2015 progettando e realizzando servizi di accoglienza e sostegno all’autonomia di migranti richiedenti asilo.L’Area Fragilità di Lanza del Vasto offre servizi rivolti ad un target di utenza composto da minori ed adulti con fragilità lievi, medio-gravi e gravi di tipo personale, sociale, fisico, psichico e psico-fisico.Lanza del Vasto offre servizi educativi dal 1985 inizialmente sul territorio genovese e poi in varie zone della Liguria.L'assistenza domiciliare è un servizio d’assistenza che viene erogato direttamente a casa dell'utente.
LANZA DEL VASTO SOC.COOP.SRL. Liste des citations de Lanza Del Vasto classées par thématique. So each person was encouraged in the practice of his or her own religion, and there was a community spiritual discipline as well.Most of the Companions were strong Catholics, but the Ark and its spiritual discipline had no ties to any single religion. 0103622329 Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands
To this end, the Companions conducted all their business by consensus. Disciple chrétien de Gandhi, il est le fondateur des Communautés de l'Arche, axées sur la vie intérieure et la non-violence active. Though the Ark in its early days had drawn mostly intellectuals and aristocrats, residents now came from a wide range of backgrounds.Besides this “mother community,” the Ark had smaller branch communities in other parts of France, several other European countries, and Quebec.

A dairy at La Borie Noble provided milk and cheese. In 1938, he went to In 1965 he was at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, talking about non-violence during weeks with the students. He was at the root of the first reflection on pacifism, vegetarianism, environmentalism and degrowth.